In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the record breaking global debt level.
The numbers have been released. At the end of 2016, global debt reached record highs of $217 trillion. That's 327% of global GDP, up 50 trillion over the past decade.
Then on January 4th, 2018, we saw the IFF global debt analysis report showing global debt rose to a record of $233 trillion at the end of the third quarter in 2017.
"$63Tn in government, $58Tn in financial, $68TN in non-financial and $44Tn in household sectors, a total increase of $16 trillion increase in just 9 months" according to Zero Hedge.
Now, the latest quarterly update shows global debt has climbed another 4 trillion dollars in the following quarterly.
It now stands at a record $237 Trillion, at least in the final quarter of 2017. That's more than 70 Trillion Dollars more than a decade ago. Up 20 Trillion Dollars in 2017 alone!
This appears to be peak debt. It doesn't have much more room for movement. This could end in a catastrophic global collapse. As we know, this is a problem of central banking. The global central banking system is getting desperate as we see the end results of mass centralization. All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero. They always have, they always will, going back to 1024 AD in China. Now we of course do not know when the crash will truly happen as the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the monetary system, but we know it will indeed happen. This is why self sustainability and financial responsibility are so important for individuals to maintain.
I couldn't agree more. Debt is actually evil as has been indicated by so many different religions through history. It's interesting that just as the level of debt in the world has reached catastrophic levels, so to has the level of war, poverty and 'dis-ease'.
Peak Debt will eventually marked with a collapse of the debt based economy. No one will know when and how long it will take to descend - months or years ...
The happiest I’ve seen John was talking about the sewage storm 😂😂
The whole system is gonna fail soon. Debt accumulation accelerates every day, I don’t think that trends mathematically possible to turn around, but what does my peasant ass know about economics 😉
As much as I'd like to think we've hit peak, I have a feeling we have quite a way to go. Now, this additional increase in debt may not result in a long period of time between now and then before we reach it, but my thinking is that as we approach the apex, shit is going to get really weird and parabolic. I think at this stage in our financial evolution, reality has to get extremely weird, debt has to have some sort of insane parabolic rise to shake people awake to the insane fraudulence and corruption. Clearly incremental awareness of fraud and corruption hasn't awoken the masses, it will take something off the charts, literally.
The fall of fiat is inevitable. Any smart money should be going to crypto or some other authentic store of value
The hoarding of currency by elite capitalists would cause depressions, if the govt did not create more money. As long as govt continues to issue more coin and spend wisely to distribute currency, there will be no depression. I don't believe there is any such thing as peak debt. We are never going to run out of numbers. Inflation is simply one solution to tackle the entities that hoard currency (such as debt/interest systems), but there are definitely other ways to tackle this problem.
It will only be "peak" once it starts to collapse. Never underestimate the ability of this fraudulent system to add debt, because it has to. Look at it now, these levels are ridiculous, but they can continue to go even higher. Even though I would welcome a dismantling of the system tomorrow, I'm not holding my breathe.