Steem transfers are fast, easy and immediate. No complicated address to copy/paste/mess up. Bitcoin look out!

in #money9 years ago (edited)

So Fast!

Congratulations to all of the devs that worked to create Steem, even as a beta release the functionality and utility of the platform is amazing! I have just moved Steem from an exchange to a Steem wallet in order to 'power up' and the transaction was instantaneous - the balance in my Steem wallet posted as fast as I could refresh the browser. Wow! 


Is slow. There, I said it. Yes, Bitcoin is a revolutionary way to move value around the globe and is arguably the single most important financial innovation in human history. I have used it for years and love it dearly. But it's slow. When I transfer bitcoin there is invariably a bit of hand-wringing as I wait for confirmation that my magic internet money went where I thought it went. And those addresses. Copy/paste/oops. It gives me anxiety.

Problem solved

Steem uses account names instead of addresses to transfer units. It is ridiculously simple and easy. My Steem account name is 'johnsmith'. I type "johnsmith" as the receiving address, enter the number of Steem units to send and confirm. Done. Could not be easier or faster.


To give recognition where it's due, the tech behind Steem's slick transactions was developed by the Bitshares team (led by Dan). They pioneered the use of account names to send/receive coins/tokens/units nearly instantly and have had the tech up and running for about two years. There is a lot of amazing work being done on the Bitshares platform and it is well worth checking out.

Exciting times

If you're reading this post you are at the vanguard of a game-changing technology that may prove to be one of the most successful crypto projects in history. It's an awesome time to be alive!


I'm looking forward to viewing press releases that will be trying to communicate how amazing Steemit is.

Yes, as much as Steem has seen exponential growth in the recent past it will be very interesting to see what happens when/if the mainstream media pushes it out... look at what happened with Pokemon in just a few days. Steem pays people to do something they do every day - post to social media. It's going to be nuts, just nuts.

I agree! STEEM is going to be a very successful!

The Steemit movement is growing rapidly, it is only a matter of time before it hits mainstream on every level...thanks for the post:)

Can you imagine what will happen when the university/college crowd ties into Steem? Just that one demographic would send this thing to the moon.

exactly it will be total madness!!