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RE: Bond Yields Plunge, Stocks Fall, Dollar Down, Gold & Silver Higher. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Very good. The coming takedown of the "perceived" safe havens like the precious metals plays and cryptoids will send the major stock indicies higher. I'm purty much gar-own-teeing a 100% rise in mining stock short DUST once I issue my buy call. I'm "projecting" a 1000%+ gain in the GDX short I will be posting on my blog via the DUST and GDX blogs already opened. Watch for those GRRREAT calls sometime this afternoon I'm wreckin. UVXY will probly trade to and thru $38 before the market rallies though. "If" it was to trade down sub $30 will also generate a 50%+ intermediate term gain (1 to 3 months).