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RE: (VIDEO). MUST WATCH! Greenspan Vindicates Gregory Mannarino On "Debt Bubble" Theory.

in #money8 years ago

Oh, forgot to add that "ifn" AAPL's errrnuns are as "blockbuster" as one would "expect" them to be then the short target from the coming high somewhere above 156.62 would be $149.00. In case you want to add AAPL puts to your repetoire. Always keeping you "informed," Greg. That way you don't have to get your ass kicked unless you truly want to. :-)


Thar she blooows, Greg! Don't panic buddy! Unless you thunk crAAPL's errrnuns would be anything but "magical." If you can hang in there til Th I will personally fix your SPY and QQQ dilemma. If you can hang in there til next Mon I will personally check your pulse. :-) Just joking, buddy. Really, don't make the same mistake you made 2 weeks ago when you crapped out of a long position with sizable losses and then got back in within a few days, wiping out your ability to write of the loss. The SPY and Q's will be my fooking focus...don't screw yourself into the ground when you are so close to joining me in my madness. :-) I will crush, Greenspam! And make Peter Schiff "beg" Janet yellen to QE4!! *-)