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RE: (VIDEO). Important Updates: Dollar, Stocks, Gold, Silver, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Good point you make about the dollah, Greg. Even if it bounces for 2 days like bitcoin just did...nobody will be able to say they were right about a dollar rally until at least a trend for a few days is my call a few days back about how short term rates were going to drop via a rally in TiLT a Whirl >>> TLT. I'm glad Janet stops by your blog to see what I'm spewin. Yes, Janet, Peter Schiff is STILL going to "beg" you to QE4 to save him from his golden debacle, snookums :-)

Btw, I'm pretty confident I will continue to spot new "trends" that will take over long before they become "mainstream." How do you guys like my new hair style for instance?

I think Greg would absolutely ROCK this look. Think about it, Greg. :O

OK, so "maybe" we missed the turn whilst we were all concentrating on interest rates. Dollar still dropping so let's concentrate on that. We can do this, people! :O

Let's let the bitcoin rally "manifest" itself for another day or 2 before we all get excited...especially those who were looking to >>> "buy the pullback!" If I can get you guysn gals back to lows set on Sun, are you "actually" going to buy the pullback?!! :O Don't make me waste my time ifn ya's isn't intrusted. :-)