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RE: Lions, Watch For That Cash Rotation Back Into Tech I Have Been Talking About. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

There may be a "surprise attrack" on the SPX here. It signaled short term sell this morning on the open and as you know I came into this trading week looking for a short term sell signal on UVXY. If UVXY is still going to singnal sell there is now alot of rally left in it after this opening drop. So if I was long FB I would be concerned, cept that you have a longer term long...out to Sept. So you can "kinda" relax. But at least learn to not buy gapup moves like you did via AAPL today. :-) Here's the short term sell on SPX. I'm not picking on you. I'm just showing you that sometimes you need to look in more than one direction at a time. My "overall" take is based on solely the VIXens and this sell signal on teh SPX.

Actually, scrath the sell signal. In the brief time it took me tp spew this the SPX has now set a signal that this morning's high will get taken out. So this makes things a tad more positive. SPX may still sell off...but there would be no reason to panic if you are long. I will be looking to buy the SPY (altho perhaps not personally) on a pullback. I'll do a new blog on that at my steemit blog "if" it actually happens this way.