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RE: (VIDEO) Stock Market-Trouble Ahead? Two Dynamics Say Yes. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

That's right, the "ave Joe" is going to lose on every trade long or short becuz, unless you are in "before" the swing in the other direction begins, you will already be buying half way through the move. That's been Greg's biggest problem actually. Tis also why I have been "refraining" from the shortest of short term trades unless the odds are too good not to step up. I outlined a trade at my UVXY options trade board/bored today. That is setting up so that your $20 lotto ticket will pay you a $100 winner. I like dem odds. Go check out my spew. :-)


a couple other guys in the trading community were talking about various VIX plays today. My intention is to wait for the volatility to hit (if at all) then short the VIX, likely with puts, and long XIV at the same time

Whoa! You now get an immediate follow from me as anyone who "says" they can handle the sexy VIXens deserves to be watched. If VXX beitchslaps you just slap her back. These gals luv that kinda shit. You do that and you get laid that night...promise. :-)