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RE: Can Someone Be So Wealthy it Becomes Obnoxious? Absolutely

in #money9 years ago (edited)

I'd like to start by sharing my surprise at your surprise. I don't know how an American could not be aware that this lifestyle choice is common in the U.S. It would seem to be more common in the U.S than in many others as the concentration of wealth is very high.

I agree that this kind of lifestyle seems strange. When you see people who are rich and foolish with their money at the same time it doesn't make sense. That is until you understand the majority are rich as part Multi Generational families of Bureaucrats/Bankers/Lobbyists working to connect Crony Capitalists to Government.

Then showing off how rich you are makes perfect sense. They need to show they have graft to give, and prove to themselves they are important.

Employing someone to wipe your bum does not seem like good business sense to me, having said that I don't make a moral judgement against people who spend their money like this.

Myself I'd like to think that there are LOTS of uber wealthy people who don't live like this, particularly the multi generational farming families that are slowing being pushed out by Big Ag and Government assisted Crony Capitalism.

To me knowing how to work the land is a wealth of knowledge that is far more important than how many bathrooms your butler cleans.

I couldn't work for any employer that isn't interested in training/teaching me something I don't already know. Otherwise if I have to train or teach you, you will pay me as an equal or not at all


"To me knowing how to work the land is a wealth of knowledge that is far more important than how many bathrooms your butler cleans."

Yes! This. This puts it very well.

I know some people who have enough money to be considered rich, but maybe on the lower end of rich. I've never actually met, or even heard of, anyone who lives with households run like businesses and with dozens of domestics working for them. That's why I was so surprised when I started reading those listings. Honestly, I didn't even think most celebrities lived that way. I was surprised at just how many job listings there were there, which means it's not as uncommon of a lifestyle as I imagined.

I don't want to judge anyone for how they spend their money, as I said in the post. But, my main concern is, are they good people? Or, do they lack empathy for others and are selfish? Do they think their money makes them better than other people? The tone of some of the ads on that site suggests this is true, so it made me question just who these people are, what they're like, and gave me the idea for this post.

I don't waste too much time thinking too much about them. I think they do lack empathy and mostly have their strings pulled by animal instincts so it's best to avoid them.

It's common among the banking, political and corporate board member crowd, so selfishness and a lack of empathy shouldn't be too surprising.

Best of luck whatever you end up doing