I spent the day yesterday at G. Edward Griffin's Red Pill Expo. You can see my keynote speech here.
But the most interesting part of the day was when I non-chalantly asked the author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", Robert Kiyosaki, if he was an anarcho-capitalist.
What ensued was absolutely insane.
You can see it here:
I don't know what kind of issues he is having but I hope he gets the help he needs.

Interesting thoughts Jeff. Love your video's.
Cheers! (green juices of course ;) )
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Hi Jeff, I think I know WHAT HAPPENED:
during your morning speech (see Video below exactly at minute 22:57)
you spoke about VIETNAM...
(N.B. go to minute 22:57)
I think Kiyosaki was there listening to your speech and took what you said as personal. Then, when you met him, he (un)consciously remember what you said and took a chance to assault you.
What do you think, could this be the reason?
Many people think "anarchist" means anarcho-communist. Kiyosaki thought you were asking if he was commie. Thats why he said, "I killed vietcong!" ie. I killed commies. Also, "capitalist" means "anti-communist" to the Vietnam war generation. People still think "Anarcho-" means rioting unwashed molotov cocktail throwing triggered communist.
Not everyone is redpilled on the real meaning of anarchy.
You've nailed it.
Yeh, took me a while to go redpill.
@jeffberwick, remember in the last comment tread I actually mentioned to watch out for him? That turned out to be rather prescient.
Ofcourse he is not anarchist, howewer clever guy. As I remember from his book he used to be a pilot in the us army, and created his realestate empire using mortgage banking system. So he knows how system works, and this knowlege made him wealthy.
Yo Jeff ! Cold showers are a great body and mind reset. I have 2-3 10 min cold showers everyday since November 2016. Currently in the first month of winter here and I am determined to stick with the cold showers through our winter months. At 53yrs old I have noticed my surfing fitness has improved. My eating habits have changed where after a green smoothie and a green tea for breakfast I am not hungry until late evening 8pm. While it seems odd I just dont feel hungry and Iv'e shed over 3kgs in 7 months. As an anarchast thought, perhaps hot showers are part of our programming. Dig your work Jeff. Thanks.
Maybe he took the term 'anarchy' in the pejorative sense and felt like you insulted him. He probably just misunderstood you - still, slight overreaction on his part. Good thing you didn't ask him that question out in the bush; he might mistake you for vietcong!
Anarchism does carry with it very negative connotations. It's actually considered fringe to self identify as an anarchist.
The other thing is at what point does a person discover they are an anarchist? It probably is rude to label someone an anarchist prior to them discovering they are.
Agreed, @jeffberwick, I think most people have not studied anarchism as viable socioeconomic philosophy and still view it as having the molotov-cocktail-throwing stigma. I'm not always comfortable answering other people's self-categorization questions either, because I don't know what those terms might be loaded with in their minds. Also, I don't have a body-guard to give my inner rage-monster a false sense of security.
Seems to me to be a great way to get them to resist it longer. If a person is going to go that path, they probably should definitely come to the conclusion on their own. There is nothing wrong with being a late bloomer ;)
Interesting angle... you may have a point there
Mind controlled? Nah, he's just grumpy/flaky old man. Yeah, he's done some heinous shit, including "partnering with the government" ( his words not mine) so that, too, might be causing some sort of PTSD ... Personally, I never quite understood why he's idolized as such a hero among free-market capitalists and libertarians.... Because the guy truly is a participant in the massive borrowing scheme of the Federal Reserve. It's his business model. The guy literally stands right next to the doomsday debt machine and gobbles up as much credit as he can....
Very well said @guide.prepper
When anyone partners with the government, I RUN!
Robert Kiyosaki knows how to suck the government tit!
Spot on
Deep thoughts. Waking up to his inner reality. Difficult for him to understand all sides of war are evil. Also his buddy is now "leader" of the USSA.
@jeffberwick At what point does a person arrive at the conclusion that they are an anarcho-capitalist?
In my opinion it's not easy to know for sure unless there is some criteria which tells a person "You're now following a political philosophy consistent with anarcho-capitalism".
Good question @dana-edwards. Hey @jeffberwick how about an anarcho-capitalism criteria checklist? Im finally labelling myself (dont do it, says Robert, labels kill people) this year an anarchist after many years of giving up on government. I've never been comfortable with the term anarchy and associated terms like rebellion, troublemaker, violence.. but thanks to you Jeff, with internet, steemit and youtube, truth hammers corruption.
Strange. And sad. I really enjoyed his book, and recommend it as much as I can.
Anybody can lose his mind. with or without official help. And more so I you killed people, like he admitted to.
I read his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" many years ago. Interesting to know...
I did as well, I think it was the initial crack to lifting the veil
Me too. It was very interesting to me to finally understand that "stuff" like a house, boat, etc is a liability not an asset. Made me think differently about traditional finance.
Oh no! Two of my favorite heroes are fighting against each other. It's like "Captain America: Civil War" all over again. :-) Thank you Jeff for being the gentleman and just leaving the room.
Wow that guy sounds like a nut ball!
thank you Jeff for all that you do
It really is a sad thing I really like his books. To me from your description it looks like alzheimer disease. It can make rambling nasty paranoid freaks, from eloquent smart measured people like my grandfather was.
Good Luck in Vegas! What WSOP day/event are you playing? Please knock Negreanu out!!!
I have read many books from Kiyosaki and even bought his very expensive game (luckily for him!).
But I had always the same feeling that you have about him. There is definitely something that is a big psycological burden and he does not want to tell us. He wanted strongly to be part of the satanic elite. Maybe he discovered that now he cannot get out and envies you ;-)
Sad to know. There is a special place in my heart for Robert, as he was one of the most important people in my current thought process. He's AC and doesn't even know it.
I read all of his books a few years ago when I was in network marketing. Crypto-currency is so much better. I'm an anarchist.
Jeff I just wanted to say that I believe that in the USS of A. when you sign your Social Security Card.....that is your contract. You have now unknowing became a member of the US Corporation!! I'm an Anarchist !!!!!
The simplest explanation is what you said, Jeff. He obviously went through a lot during the war and can't reconcile it in his head. There's no sane reason for someone to just go off and flip the "bird" at someone over a simple question.
Perhaps he is treading the edge of sanity, which is sad. It seems that he does genuinely need some professional help.
Thanks for the post.
I started watching you a couple of months back on Youtube. I want to thank you for posting the recent video that you posted about them.
The more people find out about the truly free ways to communicate, buy/ sell and do everything else we do on an everyday basis without big brother watching us, the more people will run to this new way of life.
Happy weekend :))
upvoted by @cryptomydollars
So a guy stuck in the matrix was asked to give a talk at the red pill expo....
Yeah like, "Why are you here at this red pill expo?" "Umm, i dont know!"
My view on this. I have been a long time reader of Kiyosaki and have listened to many of his radio shows.
First, I don't think that Robert has been introduced properly to the real word, anarchy.
As to his response, he has been taking heat for going against the grain longer than any of us. He has had many more lawsuits like your Gults Gulch fiasco. So many that you wonder if Kiyosaki is really legit.
Take into account that his co-author is now the president (who is being attacked by everything left), and the guy is probably taking flack on everything, everywhere.
If I was under that level of stress and scrutiny, I would probably have a short trigger too.
Also, his income is wed to the banking system. Getting loans to pay for loans to buy houses. So, the guy must have a lot of cognitive dissonance when it comes to the evils of banking. (a strong topic in anarchist circles)
Could it be a result of decades of chemical intrusion by the evildoers of the world?
Wow! That is quite a reaction to your question. Seems out of character from the videos I have seen, but then again those videos were created to show a certain controlled aspect.
@jeffberwick Do your walk and talk in the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef aquarium! The walkway is a tunnel. So the fish are all around you.
Mandalay Bay Shark Reef aquarium
He took the red and blue pill😂 All jokes aside let's just all pray for him
Good times. XD
Very well said @guide.prepper
When anyone partners with the government, I RUN!
Robert Kiyosaki knows how to suck the government $ tit!
Who is taking the video?
Selfie Stick Is Doing The Camera Work
You are absolutely right, Robert is part of the big agenda, I do not know why hi is not speaking or saying anything about Crytos it is going to be the great transfer of wealth of all time, in fact, it has been already proven, haw many millionaires are auto there thanks to Cryptos, A LOT
Thanks Jeff
If I had to say.... Nervous breakdown
great speech Jeff. full of truth, fun, and honesty
Dr. Jeff, can you phone me in a prescription for some of those red pills? ;-)
Whoa, interesting interaction. Did you enjoy the conference overall?
Did you meet George Webb as well? Yes, anti debt slavery. That's why we are given a birth certificate. I didn't know he was in Vietnam. I'm here now lol. I heard the Peter Shiff interview with him and he was basically telling Peter if you invite me on your show, shut up and listen to me. Peter was interrupting him often as Peter tends to do. The USA still owes Vietnam 4 billion $ from the war. Been alcohol free for 2 years, cannabis is much better for you. Good luck with Vegas and POKER! Win big and buy cryptos!
I don't particularly like kiyosaki . I watch a few of his interview and found them quite patronising. Most of the answer he gave to questions were " you need to buy my book"
I watched one of his recent interviews and he looks awful, he has aged alot, he dosnt look healthy. Him and Trump where close friends, wrote some books with Trump.
Mind controlled? Yes and no
Hypnosis is used to help people deal with the stress of being in the spotlight - all a-list and most b-list celebrities use hypnosis treatments to assist them
It's a lot better than taking medications, although sometimes those are used too.
Stress can cause people to act in an uncontrolled, chaotic manner.
Everything is fine, nothing negative is going on.
When we hold emotional trauma and have controlled/denied emotions with us - meeting a being who emits a frequency of liberation can trigger those deeply held feelings as part of a healing process that 'tunes' the traumatised one into balance. The problem is that many trauma victims do no understand this or even understand that they can heal - so they are stuck being triggered continuously until they figure it out.
The safe way to process such trauma is through emotional processing - allowing the vibrational sound signature of the emotions to be expressed; when compassion is felt due to the individual's own compassion for their own feelings - the feelings can evolve and peace can gradually be found.
Hi Jeff thanks for all you do,hopefully Robert just having a bad day.@kevinace
Most people feel threatened by honesty, per my observations, Jeff. Keep it up!
I remember years and years ago when I used to watch tv, seeing Kiyosaki on mainstream talk shows promoting his book. He didn't resonate with me. Because he did experience the unfathomable, including killing someone, he probably is suffering from PTSD, especially considering that outburst of anger. And, yes, those antidepressants make you nutty. I know from experience.
I think we find ourselves in those "weird" situations-like Kiyosaki flipping out on you- because for whatever reason they are presenting lessons we need to learn or figure out. I seem to have those odd experiences, too. Although, they are fewer these days. I don't always get the lesson, though.
What you said around 9 minutes 30 seconds in your video was almost exactly what I just posted about 30 minutes ago. Very synchronistic. Also, did you see those chemtrails at around 7 minutes 30 seconds?
I can't do the coffee enemas when traveling. Not, yet, anyway. So, I do Dr. Josh Axe's detox recommendation when I'm away from home. It's on his site and consists of mixing pink salt with hot water and drinking it. It flushes toxins out for sure. But, it is in no way the same as a coffee enema. Plus, you're not supposed to do the salt-water detox daily.
As always, thank you.
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He is pretty old, and maybe he was having a bad day. I've listened to him before, and this is the first negative thing that I have heard about him. That's ashame. Everybody is probably stressed out about all these reports that the economy is about to crash even worse than the great depression.
Thanks for your video.
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