My bank cards has just been stolen, I can't wait for the near future as our Crypto Wallet is our own banks -

in #money7 years ago (edited)

I have just gone through the terrible experience to have my Bank Cards stolen from my vehicle, which was parked inside my property.. I now have to cancel all my cards, including multiple Credit and Debit Cards, my driver's license, all my store cards etc.

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I am sure everybody has their own agendas to survive in the world. Some thinks that taking each others property is the way to survive. Maybe the person who stole my property needs it more than me, but I will never take somebody's property as it is not mine. A thief came onto my property, broke into my car on my property, and stole various things, including my Wallet, a Garmin GPS, my prescription glasses and to top it all my golf shoes.

Why on earth will someone take my golf shoes and leave two sets of Golf Clubs, in the vehicle.

I am lucky to be able to afford insurance, all though the insurance company will probably not pay out the full amount of the items stolen, as everything is not specified on the insurance. The bad thing is that I have to go through the schlep, of cancelling all my cards, and go through the insurance claim, just because somebody decided to take something that does not belong to them. To show you what we have to put up with in South Africa ... listen to this. I arrived at the police station, to report the crime, the police officer on duty had the audacity to ask me:

Why do you leave important items, like your Garmin GPS and your wallet, in the vehicle.

I was flabbergasted with his statement, as I am still of the believe that my property should not be accessed by anybody that I do not invite onto the property. I should not even have to lock my own vehicle, when it is inside the fences on my property. It should be my safe haven.

Let's move a few years into the future.

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The great thing about the Blockchain technology and Crypto Currencies is that we will soon be in control of our own destinies, and when your cards are stolen, they are useless to the thief, as each and every one of us will literally be in control of our own banks.

In my opinion we are not far from having digital identities, built on the blockchain technology, and if implemented correctly we should have one login to our online life's. We should have insurance issued by a blockchain, which will hopefully put us in the position, to have smaller excess when we claim.

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We should all have Digital Wallets, and we can issue ourselves bank cards, to spend our own crypto money, earned by doing which we enjoy doing, like blogging on Steemit. I believe there will be many more sites like Steemit, where you can earn an income, just like we do on Steemit. It will not only be blogging sites, there will be many different types of sites, like the VIVAconomy where we will generate income.

You will not need to phone a bank to issue your cards. Our Driver's license should be issued by a Government owned Private Blockchain, and when it is stolen like mine is now, I will not have to go stand in a queue, for a full fay, to get a new card issued. The driver license database, should be a global decentralised ledger, which will make it easier, to manage on a global scale, as why do I need to get International driver's license issued, when I travel abroad if we can just all use the same database.

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The technology which I described above, are already working and tested, but yet again, the human race are very complex, so even if the technology exists, the difficulty is to implement global standards which are acceptable by everybody.

Sure, everything takes time to implement and I truly hope that I still see the above in my lifetime.

Happy Steeming!


So sorry to hear that! Happened to me once i know the feeling. I really hate lazy people who just think they can just profit from other people's hardwork. There's is a special reserved place in hell for these bastards.

Hope all goes well for you mate!

Crypto for the 21st century is what the wheel was for Egyptian (or earlier) civilisation(s). Power to the people.

Great comment thanks @ericwoelk

This post received a 26% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jacor! For more information, click here!

Sorry that happened to you, I hope you can replace your stolen things.

Sucks to hear that you had to go through this. Hopefully we will see that the blockchain technology goes mainstream in a couple of years.

I believe we as early adopters of the new technology will have an advantage when it happens :)

Cryptocurrencies wallets are a lot safer, and gennrety better, but it doesn't mean we don't need to be careful.

Indeed 👍🏻

Crypto wallet is more secure for sure but be aware there are some fake wallet sites out there

This is indeed very true... thiefs everywhere so we should be vigilant :)

That is never a fun experience. Had my wallet stolen during the holidays many years ago, pain in the rear getting everything canceled and replaced.

Yip, and for a while after this, you remember oh sh!t, I don't have this card anymore as well :)

Sorry to hear of your bad experience. Most of us, from time to time, have something stolen. In the past, people have stolen tens of thousands of dollars worth or equipment and produce from my farm. So I know how it feels to be violated on your own property.

That's life, sorry, but I'm glad nobody was hurt.

Guide Prepper says: Get your prepping done! Including better security!

Thank you very much for your comment. It is not a nice feeling and you are 100% correct in saying we are lucky not to have been hurt.

But they took my golf shoes man! Why my golf shoes ??? Lol

Goed idea!! 100% upvoted from @chanthasam

think they call that a blockchain ID.

Thanks for the comment @cybercodetwins, I think you might be correct 👍🏻

That is a pain. Good luck with the corresponding administrative mess. I guess patience is the only requirement... :(

Thanks a lot. I truly miss living in a country where things actually work. The worst is the drivers license that I have to replace. It is at least a day of queuing :(

I don't know any single country where this works smoothly. At least definitely not in France too!

Wow. I am really sorry that happened. Even if you don't lose money, the hassle to cancel and reissue is never pleasant. I hope it goes smoothly... and we get to a point where bank cards will be obsolete!

Thanks for the comment and yes it kinda sucks. Like I said in another comment, I dread the day when I must go stand in the queue to get a new Driver's license. Our government employees believes that we owe them something. They do not understand the concept of Civil "Servant" they are more like Civil "You serve me" lol it is a total joke 😂😂😂

cryptocurrencies wallets are far more needed for safety measures than regular credit card I think, good posting thanks you ^^

Thank you @pyorinho :)

I tend to agree that they are safer and I'm old school wanting to actually have an object of value in my hand. With this being said, I'm against the idea of implanted chips for any reason, though not mentioned here, but this is where in my mind it will all lead. I just recently had to change passwords and accept new cards due to being on a list for some reason or another that my bank informed me of. A list of people off the web that showed personal info? The process was time consuming and well just a pain in my ass but alas.... I digress. This is the reality we are in these days. Adapt and overcome says I.

I will also think twice before I get chipped :) I guess this is how rumours start 😂,and I also think it is where all will lead 👍🏻

Several of my credits cars got stolen THREE freaking times. I had no idea how this was being done. Either my accounts were hacked, or they had access to something I was not aware of.

Solution: Take your cc out of your browser. DO NOT let your browser save anything. You're all aware that companies get hacked and your information is stolen so don't store sensitive data in the cloud. Take your credit card off of Amazon or any service, which stores your cc (unless necessary). Change your password on all accounts once every six months.

Since taking these measures, nothing has been stolen from me.

Good luck!

So sorry to hear! it is awful to stop everything and get new one's it takes valuable time and the feeling of knowing someone took your things is not nice. All of the best @jacor.

Thank you very much @stardust

I wonder when the banks will truly start fighting this with all their force and influence. I think long term it's too late and they've had their greedy golden years! Every person in control of their own finances is how it should be and blockchain is giving us this. Nice article!

Thanks a lot @carface, I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I do not think they have a fighting chance even if they do start fighting. The question remain.

If your Crypto wallet is your bank, why will you ever need a bank. Will it be to manage your wallet?

I definitely do not have all the answers but I know I can manage my own wallet :) I know they will fight back but I could not come up with how. It will probably be by trying to regulate but how will you regulate something like this?

Yeh regulation is the biggest problem, but it will not work because they will make us even more stronger and determined to fight for fairness.

That is so awfull breaks your heart and all the trouble you have to go, to get everything replaced so sorry.

Ja boet...this is just did your civic duty and contributed to affirmative shopping. Sorry to hear about this shyte, pisses me off IMMENSELY.

Africa is a tough country 👍🏻

Hi @jacor, sorry to hear about your loss,I stay in a security complex and even here things like laptops and phones are stolen. I cannot wait for the future to arrive to make it safer for us.

Thanks @rynow, it is one of those things while we live in this country ☺️

I'm sorry for you loss, but your amazing idea won't work due to the lack of proper infrastructure in some countries.
It is normal for most of the world to use chip cards, while in USA they still use magnetic stripes and they WANT it.

I had a conversation on 4chan's /g/. They do not see a problem with getting all money stolen because not being cryptographically protected. The bank will give it all back. With non-existent internet in most of USA, chip card payments can last minutes to be accepted, while in Europe it takes seconds. They also rely on credit rather than checking in realtime that payment can be made.

American banks not want to invest in new infrastructure and do not want even chip cards. We are speaking about blockchain here, which needs even more internet! Therefore no-one will want to switch to new and secure technologies in states. Without states, the rest of the world will never move forward and get rid of insecure form of payments.

Man, can you donate me 0.5 steem dollar?
As I wanted to invest in steem currency because I know it will definitely will rise in value.However, my dad was not allowing me to do that. Can you let to prove to my father that i am right? Thank you.

Hello @wallsnow

I will flag you if you do not stop this spam.
You will have to say I am sorry or ask why not if you do not want to be downvoted.

Something similar has happened to me in the past. Twice if I remember correctly! Without warning I find out that my debit card has been frozen only to find out that it was due to a possible fraudulent activity. The bank goes through an investigation to resolve the issue but it could take days before you see your money back in your account.

This is why the blockchain technology will make things so much better. Yet up to this day it still seems like a mystery to most people. But i think it's only a matter of time before blockchain will be used globally.