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RE: Another Billionaire Goes All In On The "Barbarous Relic" Gold While Mainstream Media Remains Silent

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Gold, only 2nd to clean water is the world's most valuable resource. Yes, its price fluctuates up and down (and an extra special 'thanks' to all the gov't manipulators et al who are involved w/ that one) - regardless, it will always have some value. And as much as we all love crypto-currencies, (like Steem and Bitcoin) - those 2 could go to zero, tomorrow. (while incredibly unlikely, it's possible.) Gold, at least, we always have some value - save for a total nuclear war and/or world-ending meteor strike. But then we'll all be dead anyway - so that's kind of moot point, right?

TLDR? Diversify and have at least some gold in your portfolio. It's indeed the safest hedge against inflation and a total market crash.