The Opportunity to Make Money Today is Unlimited

in #money7 years ago

The Best Time in History to Be an Entrepreneur

The internet has giving anyone the opportunity to make extra money. More and more people are starting an online business with very little money. This is one of the best times in history to be an entrepreneur. It doesn't take much money to get started and in some cases no money is needed.


There are people starting a Youtube channel who make millions every year. I read an article the other day about one girl who posted a video about how to apply makeup in 2007 and 10 years later she has a million dollar empire. The opportunities are still there today as people get on Youtube and start creating income for themselves almost effortlessly. If you can get past the fear of being on camera, you can make money. Wouldn't you prefer to create a few videos instead of working 9 to 5 for the rest of your life.

If you can find a problem that is common and you can offer a solution than you can make money. People need help with all kinds of things like "How to be a better parent" or " How to get more done in a day" or "How to find a life partner". The amount of people who need help is so huge and the solutions to their problems are not always available.


Coaching has become so big in the last few years as people want to improve their life and they hire coaches. There are coaches who solve hundreds of common problems and get paid well. Imagine just working a few hours a day and making $50 000 to $100 000 a year helping people solve problems in their life. The market is huge and there is room for more coaches, especially if you specialize in certain areas.

The days of needing big startup capital are not longer necessary. You can start with Youtube Videos with your smartphone and build a tribe and make money. We all have some knowledge that someone else would pay to learn. I don't care who you are, you can make money with the talents you already have today.

These are really exciting times for those who choose to see the opportunities in front of them. The internet is not going away. Why not live your life doing something that you enjoy everyday instead of just trading your time for money and being so unfulfilled. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest starting today.

Blessings to All

I Am Free Spirit



Very true. While there is often lots of trial and error involved as one gains experience, you don't learn anything if you don't get out there and start doing it. These really are the best times for this. This opportunity for work didn't even exist when I was graduating from college!

Nice to find you. Just followed you.

Yes, so many opportunities to evolve. Thanks for your comment, I will follow you too.