How to earn the resolution of money on holidays

in #money6 years ago

Hmmmm ... you can, for example:

  • collect cherries in orchards (as you will be able to pick up you can earn over 100 zlotys)
  • spread leaflets, newsletters to help in advertising eg shops (I do not know how much you can earn from it)
  • if you are not afraid and you have experience with animals you can walk the dogs (you have to discuss with the owners of the pet, what time and how many times a day you walk the dog, ask what size and race it is - it would not be too big and too strong for walks)
  • you can sell your stuff - old toys; books that you do not read anymore (you have to inform parents what you want to sell and for how much - I use this method and have already earned PLN 200 ^^)
  • you can carry and shop for older people (this is also a way to earn a few zlotys, but I would not have the heart to take money from older, ill people :()
  • you can offer a layout to parents - I will wash the dishes once a week and get a small sum (I vacuum clean the three rooms and the corridor and get 10 zlotys :-))
  • my aunt runs a shop and for a large sum I help her during the holidays (if you have options you can try)
  • a bit strange way - you can drink, for example, Pepsi in a metal can? - you can collect and sell them for scrap
  • one more way (I do not know if our age is effective) - caring for a child, eg neighbors
  • pick berries in the forest, mushrooms
    That's what I was able to come up with - I hope that my advice will be effective ;-)

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