Crypto-currency based games

in #money9 years ago

I always have wanted to play any crypto-currency related game.
Is there any actually? I'm dreaming about a MMORPG game,when you have your character,( let's say you have few races there) and there is whole storyline going it.

However while doing the storyline,you meet people: you can talk with them,trade or even fight!
You make quests,kill monsters,enemies etc. You get gold and experience,which you can use later to upgrade your character.

However it would be different from any other game: The gold would be for example bitcoin,and you could buy equipment from market,where you can find bad items,but cheap: there should be also some kind of auction house,or market where you can sell items you have dropped by yourself.

It would be fun having a character there,and fighting strong monsters:and after all that,selling them for real cash,am i right?

Of course it is only my dream,probably nothing like that is going to happen ever.
But maybe there really are some investor-based games? Any ideas? i would love to play any of them ,i just dont want to get scammed with my money ;)

I know there is a but it is more like a faucet type :(


Dragon Knights of Valeria is a turn-based browser MMORPG that lets you earn coins. Think Travian.

Im just logging in there.
I dont like text games,but i will give it a shot,maybe i will like it ? :)

Check Spells of Genesis, they use BitCrystals currency, they are launching the game in September I think.

I will surely do,i dont like altcoins however they fit perfect for doing such a game,at least that is what i think.

I don't know too much about it but they supposedly use BTC's blockchain, BCY is the token.

Hi there! I see its quite old post...but we are planning to launch blockchain game (where geeks can play, educate, meet girls, earn & win) :)