Latvia is just the canary in the coal mine. Soon we will see major banks across larger European economies start to stumble. Holding cash may be an alternative but you would be much better off with silver bullion or crypto.
Are you big into Bitcoin by any chance?
I'm not big into Bitcoin, but I do hold a good amount now of money accumulated through steemit and I have only put in a little money. My biggest holding is in Silver and Gold :) I do have a couple of other things as well :)
I agree! Add to this, Greece selling it's banks for pennies on the dollar, Italy and Portugal and Spain are doing the double/triple bookkeeping shuffle to try and convince the world (and their own citizens) that they are NOT bankrupt.... And Germany and France are right behind them. Latvia is definitely the canary in the coalmine!- well said!
Check my Blogs on banks here: and and