A world where people can live freely without government control because no money is used is becoming a reality thanks to Michael Tellinger's "Ubuntu contributionism" and "One small town can change a world" plan . It would catch on more quickly if more people knew about it which is the reason for this article.
The video shows the problem and the solution
In his short 9 plus minute video Tellinger delineates all the things everyone agrees are wrong with the world and how so much of our time is needed to slave away at a job just to make ends meet and pay our bills. He then introduces the solution in the second half that can be realized without violence or fighting each other that will truly change the world and provide abundance for all. There is a second 4.5 hour workshop on YouTube where he irons out the details.
There are already a few towns beginning to implement the concept but it seems to me other towns could get going a lot faster and help more people more quickly create lives of abundance if they just knew about it and got started.
A Giant Free Volunteer Workforce is created
As opposed to what we are used to where government interferes with commerce every step of the way what with requiring licenses, permits, taxes, record keeping, wage setting etc etc, Tellinger's idea includes the creation of a FREE workforce where everyone volunteers 3 hours of their time doing what they love to do each week working on community projects similar to what they might do in"jobs" in the "normal" world or "hobbies". Each person's talent is valued the same as the next - which would be a big switch from "normal" reality. In exchange, these workers receive whatever the community creates that they need including housing, utilities, food, clothing, furniture, health care and more.
One third of the production of businesses within the community go to the needs of the people in the community; 1/3 goes to the business/ project owners and 1/3 gets sold at a more competitive price than is available in any of the surrounding towns that utilize traditional "normal" methods of production to" outsiders".
Success Breeds Success and Abundance
Word gets out that the Ubuntu town has the best prices and so the Ubuntu town project a/k/a business attracts more customers which hurts their competitors in the surrounding towns - who eventually find they can't compete and have to close. Before long every town wants to install the Ubuntu Contributionism principle in their town.
As word spreads that people living in the community are getting all their needs met not having to slave away at a J O B, other communities catch on and want to implement the plan in their town. The idea spreads. Before long every town wants to install the Ubuntu Contributionism principle in their town. Eventually, except for the big cities everyone in the rural areas and small towns are living lives they never dreamed could happen.
How would your life be changed?
Watch the video and see if you wouldn't be more than willing to give three hours of your time in exchange for a lifestyle where all your needs wouldbe taken care of. Think of the happiness and contentment you'd have not ever again having to worry about not having enough money to live comfortably .
Now join UbuntuPlanet.org and make it a reality for you.EmilyBH - HonestyIsIn