The Bitshares (BTS) correction is in progress. Five waves had been put in and complete. I've labeled the correction subwaves as shown. If this is an a,b,c; the c subwaves are in blue and so we could now be seeing a wave iv bounce. Wave v could allow a new lower low to around $.32 or so.
Here is the Forest from the Trees. The five purple waves are subwaves to a higher degree of trend blue wave 1. The current correction is placing the higher degree of trend blue wave 2. What comes after wave 2? Wave 3 UP!
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!
If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me a beer:
BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

@haejin brings harm to the Steem community by flooding the Trending page with useless content.
@haejin considered most harmful person to Steem ecosystem these days. We have free community, but small means censoring scammers like @haejin. The only effective thing we can do is to leave message, right here - at the top!
This is my personal opinion and I can express it, because I am using the free platform called Steem. You can downvote this message, but it will cost you Steem Power and, as a profit seeker, you will earn NOTHING.
His charts plays out beautifully once again. We are so glad you are here to see that, and to join us! What's that? I hear something rustling in the trees. Not to worry, there's no such thing as killer whales in the forest. Thank You for Sharing with us @kata. You will be considered one of the greats who helps to project this post, and many others to the top once again! Thank You!
Thanks to all people helping me to go to the top and stop @haejin from giving deciding financial advices.
Please don't stop posting. All must hear your news!
I really do not still understand why there should be a protest against One individual giving his opinion in a community where one's freedom to express him/her isn't withheld
You misspelled communist.
I just laughed my ass off again there Scarlet:) Genius wit!
Take it easy on us commies,...
You might want to get a better grasp of the English language before attempting to discredit someone else
The problem with him is that he is most likely collaborating with a whale to hijack the trending page.
@kata brings harm to the Steem community by flooding the Trending page with useless content.
@kata considered most harmful person to Steem ecosystem these days. We have free community, but small means censoring scammers like @kata. The only effective thing we can do is to leave message, right here - at the top!
This is my personal opinion and I can express it, because I am using the free platform called Steem. You can downvote this message, but it will cost you Steem Power and, as a profit seeker, you will earn NOTHING.
lol shame!? thats the best youve got!? what are you one of those social just warriors trying to protest trump? thats what you sound like and its so pathetic its funny.
grow up. this man is earning unique votes from the community. go be a commie somewhere else. quit trying to steal what this man has earned.
Claiming Haejin is a scammer simply shows how you can easily be a scammer too. There's no scamming being done here, just some honest charting by somebody that cares to share his wealth of knowledge.
Why are you here? Because you're broke? I get it....
This comment is so pathetic it's actually funny !
He is also using the free platform called steem. you can downvote his posts, but it will cost you steem power and as a profit seeker, you will earn nothing.
Stop riding on his name, hoping to get some upvotes
best time to buy. all in for bts
How is posting TA, including his chart drawing useless content?
This dip is welcome and proving to be short lived. I'd actually like to see it last longer to build more of a base.
This correction was awesome! 🙌
I wish you all massive profits! 🚀
And especially I wish it to @berniesanders. That campaign made us stronger and even more powerful. He could use the money he got from that dirty post and invest it into crypto. That would be fun to write about in the next post. 🙏
I'll just leave this here ;)

He seems to like crypto kitties, bless him.
Mr. Lee, could I interview you for my Today's Crypto News youtube channel? Big Fan!
Sweet. More time to buy under a $1
I am so hoping for BTS to drop/correct down to .15 cents to buy another 100,000 BTS
Bts to the Moon!
My two investments - Steem and BitShares!
My best guess is that this has to do with the recent hack of the Youbit exchange in South Korea. Thieves made off with 17% of its assets. They’re probably the ones dumping coins right now.
We follow TA not news..who stole the other alts then?
I agree though I think also that when Buffet said yesterday regarding BTC that it wouldn't end well, it no doubt had an effect with some major players albeit hopefully short term.
Nearly lost my whole bag today. I just survived it. I was trying to be a hero by holding and not selling. Was not expecting such a huge dump. I got caught up with BTS to 6.62 Fomo.
Hey Tony, while we are on here thanking people, I want to thank you for the content you give on Youtube. It has helped me tremendously. Haejin, Kimchi on Discord Bitshares channel and you have all been awesome.
Hi Haejin, I created my Steemit account and added steem to my account just because of you. You inspire me to do no harm and to gain massive profits. Thank you for all that you have done for this community. Your followers have your back.
I look forward to your posts every day and I wish you a merry xmas.
Good on you! Thank you so much for your support!
I need to buy some more BTS! I sold half of my stake at $0.06 :( :( :(
i think soon we will see ATH in btc price at BTS.
Could you please do an update on SBD and Steem?
Yeah... That is highly needed this time around
Happy for another buying opportunity. Thanks for the great info, time to back up the truck to the bitshares depot before it jumps up again.
If this is close at all I️ will be buying more bts in the mid to low .30s
Why is Haejin hated so much now
Haters gonna hate
People will always be hating on successful people. Their just mad because it's not them in the limelight.
simple answer...money...
Yes so called crypto analyst are taking a lot of money for the same content which @haejin is providing for free. And they don't want it to happen.
They have enormous voting power and they can cross any limit to disrespect haejin. So if we want to help haejin then we must upvote his content with as much of voting power we can and flag those content against Haejin.
He made all of us a lot of profit. He deserves it.
I'm HODLing!
I'm adding.
same here !!
@haejin Hope you're right! BTS took a real dive!
It did take a dive, but nothing compared to it's run up. I started picking it up just recently when it was $.05. This dip is nothing!
Actually, relatively speaking and considering how much BTC went down, BTS held on very well.
@maciekgt3. Agree. Anyone who trades or invest but do not expect a correction as normal does not understanding the basics.
@maciekgt3 Totally agreed. Let's also not forget what BTC's price was last January. That said, the current price drop is just a normal correction. I think we're just a bit too spoilt by BTC. We've got used to it exploding continuously.
Very good point. When you look at the other alts both bitshares and Steem have held up pretty well.
Very true
@lordneroo. "Hope you're right" Good luck with hoping. Take other's info, analyze it yourself and come up with your own decisions. You are the one should take ownership of your own trading. Others only give you their opinions, whether you pay them or not.
@ropaar I tried to care about your negativity but I couldn't, user without a face. :) Try again. Oh, maybe try learning how to comprehend English. I never implied I took his advice on anything. I've been holding BTS for months.
I subscribed to your channel
thanks haejin
Could you do an analysis on EOS?
Noticing all your posts are one-sided, all saying each crypto is about to "moon".
Do you ever recommend selling, bc the "ABC" correction is about to happen?
Our one day rec, during the storm, made 2-18% overnite depending on when you sold this morning, check it out....
Anyone here saw the ~3-5M BTS margin sold at dex recenlty? :O what was that.
That is the beauty and threat of DEX.
The beauty it is because in such cases when there is a 50% correction and prices gets down all low level collateral gets called and it is put in the market. For the market it is really good but for those who owns that collateral it is huge loss and a threat.
Can you please do an update on EOS?
Thank you. I have still EOS when it was 1 dollar. I will buy BTS for long term.
Is it good to keep them for long term? can you make analise from EOS please
Hey Haejin, thanks for the updates! Mentioned a while back, but did you ever interact with a Jeff Weiss? And also curious to hear your thoughts on GBTC. Especially interested given the holiday weekend and the implications this may have.
We all need to help @haejin!
Please consider adding STEEM POWER to your account. It will stop downvoters from making his content invisible.
It is very quick Just read this blog.
Thanks for the data!!
All the way up!!!
I don't see the forest, I see the mountains!!! massive profits!
Amazing post!! Thank you for taking the time! If you get a chance check my post out at https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@seikatsumkt/scam-el-petro-the-new-cryptocurrency-announced-by-the-venezuelan-government
Amazing post!! Thank you for taking the time! If you get a chance check my post out at https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@seikatsumkt/scam-el-petro-the-new-cryptocurrency-announced-by-the-venezuelan-government
Amazing post!! Thank you for taking the time! If you get a chance check my post out at https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@seikatsumkt/scam-el-petro-the-new-cryptocurrency-announced-by-the-venezuelan-government
sorry is the 0.21 wave still coming or has that passed?
Can't see very well on my phone.
What a buying opportunity if so!
Thanks Mr Lee!
Excellent Post as always Haejin. Still mad as hell to see ridiculous posts that are hateful and ignorant. Haejin's analysis are sound and thoughtful. These trolls don't know anything about cryptocurrency. Success is the best form of revenge. Lets all be successful with massive profits and silence these ignorant trolls.
Great analysis! I've put you on follow.
I never get it perfect but im very happy with my ekstra BTS.
Sweet! I am so ready to buy more at $0.32.
Bitshares is the new KING!!!
can you tell us how to convert to BTC one? is this same to btc pair? thank you mr @haejin, you are my inspiration
wallet.bitshares.org send your btc to the wallet and buy bts...
Time to buy more ::))! What about Ltc?
You are right
Good post, BTS is the best :)
I think this is the beginning the end of Bitcoin story (bull trap) and I am sure that BitShares will survive this tulip hype. ;)
Thanks. Any news on DGB?
With this information I may be able to greatly increase my stake in BTS. Thank you @haejin.
Updated on MANA please?!