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RE: So, you hate money...

in #money7 years ago

So you think that money is the source of all ills and the root of evil? Have you ever thought about what is the source of the money? By themselves, money is only a means of exchange, their existence is impossible outside the production of goods and people who know how to produce. Money gives weight and form to the basic principle: people who want to deal with each other, must communicate through exchange, giving in exchange for one value another. In the hands of idlers and beggars, tears begging the fruits of your work, or bandits who take them away from you by force, money loses its meaning, cease to be a means of exchange. Money became possible thanks to the people who are able to make. Apparently, they, on-your, source of all woes?
The moment you accept money as payment for your work, you do so on the condition that you can exchange it for the results of other people's work. The value of money is not filled with beggars or bandits. An entire ocean of tears and all the weapons in the world will not be able to turn the sheets of paper in your wallet into bread that you need to live. But these sheets of paper - a symbol of trust, a symbol of your right to part of the lives of people who know how to produce. Your wallet is a statement that there are people around you in this world who agree with this moral principle because it is at the heart of money. Apparently, in your opinion, is the root of all evil?
Have you ever wondered what is the source of the benefits? Take a look at the power plant and try to imagine that it was created by muscles and fists not able to think savages. Try to grow wheat without the knowledge accumulated and transferred to you by far predecessors who were the first who managed to cultivate cereals! Try to get yourself food without doing anything but physical effort, and you very quickly realize that only the human mind is the source of all goods produced on earth, the source of all wealth.
But you claim that money is created by the strong at the expense of the weak? What kind of force are you talking about? Obviously, it is not the power of fists or weapons. Wealth is the result of a person's ability to think. Otherwise, it turns out that the money created by the inventor of the engine at the expense of those who do not know how to invent. It turns out that money by the smart at the expense of the fools? To those who can, at the expense of those who can't? Moving to the target at the expense of idlers? Before money can be taken away or begged, it must be created by the hard work of an honest man according to his capabilities. Honest I call someone who is aware that he has no right to consume more than it produces.
Commodity exchange through money is the law of honor of people of good will. The basis of money is the axiom that every person is the sole and sovereign master of his mind, his body and his work. It is money that deprives us of the right to evaluate or dictate the price of work, leaving room only for the free choice of people who want to share the fruits of their work with you. It is money that allows you to get a reward for your work and its results what they mean for those who buy them, but not a cent more. Money does not recognize other transactions, except committed by the parties without coercion and with mutual benefit. Money requires you to acknowledge the fact that people work for their own good, not for their own suffering, for the sake of acquisition, but not for the sake of loss, for the recognition of the fact that people are not mules born to carry the burden of their own misfortune — that you must offer them good, not festering wounds, that the natural relationship among people is the exchange of goods, not suffering. Money requires you to sell not their weakness of human stupidity, but their talent to their minds. Money allows you to purchase not the worst of the products offered to you, but the best of what your funds allow. And where people can freely enter into trade relations, where the Supreme judge is reason, not fists, the best product wins, the best organization of work, the person with the highest development and rationality of judgments wins, there the level of creativity of a person turns into the level of his revival. It is a moral code for those for whom money is a means and a symbol of life. Apparently, in your opinion, is the source of all ills?
But money itself is only a means. They will lead you to any goal, but will not replace you at the helm. Money will satisfy your aspirations and desires, but will not replace your goal and dream. Money is a scourge for those who try to turn the law of causes and consequences upside down, for those who want to substitute the mind with the theft of the achievements of reason.
Money will not buy happiness to someone who does not know what he wants. The money will not build a value system to someone who is afraid of the knowledge of the prices; they do not indicate the purpose of the one who chooses its path with his eyes closed. Money cannot buy the mind of a fool, honor — Brock, the respect of the layman. If you try with money to surround yourself with those who are higher and smarter than you, in order to gain prestige, you will eventually fall victim to those who are lower. Intellectuals will very quickly turn away from you, while crooks and thieves are around, driven by the impartial law of causes and consequences: a person can not be less than his money, otherwise they will crush him. Apparently, in your opinion, is the root of all evil?
To inherit wealth is worthy only of a person who is able to create it himself, regardless of whether he starts from scratch or not, and who therefore does not need wealth. The money will serve the heir, if he is stronger than they, otherwise they will destroy it. And when you see it, you'll scream that the money corrupted it. Are they? Did he not corrupt his own money? It is pointless to envy a worthless heir; his wealth is not yours, and you will not be able to benefit from it. It is pointless to dream or demand that his inheritance be shared with you — in the real world, generating fifty parasites instead of one will not be able to return life to the symbol that was the capital created by the genius. Money is a living force, it suffocates without roots. Money will not serve the mind that are unworthy of their power. I guess that's why you hate money? Money is also a means of your survival. The sentence you will give to the source of your own well-being will be the sentence of your own life. By desecrating this source, you betray your own existence. Are you getting the money tricked? Pandering to people's vices or stupidity? Lubenica with fools, hoping to get more than allow your true abilities? Acting out of your principles? Doing work they hate, for people you despise? If so, this money will never bring you a single moment of joy. Everything you buy from them will turn out to be a shame for you, not an achievement. And then you'll scream in horror that the money is disgusting and vicious. They're disgusting because they haven't become a source of your self-esteem. They are vicious because they have allowed you to enjoy your own depravity. I guess that's why you hate money?
Money will always be a consequence, they will never replace you as the cause. Money is a product of morality, but it will not make you moral, will not correct your vices, will not atone for your sins. Money will not give you what you do not deserve — neither in the material world nor in the spiritual. I guess that's why you hate money?
But maybe you believe that it is not the money itself, but love for them — the source of all evils and the root of all evil? To love something means to understand and accept the nature of it. To love money means to understand and accept the fact that it is they who awaken in you the best forces, aspirations and desire to exchange their achievements for the best of people. A man who screams with all his might about his contempt for money, but at the same time is willing to sell his soul for five cents, hates money. A person who is ready to work for them loves money. Tell you how to figure out where they got the money? The man cursed the money, got them dishonestly, people who respect money deserve it.
Leave without looking back from anyone who tells you that money is evil. These words — the bell of the leper, the clank of weapons bandit. Since people live on earth, the means of communication for them were money, and replace them as such means can only muzzle machine gun.


I wonder if anyone read this whole thing?

I know I didn't. The opening sentences seemed to indicate someone missed the point of the OP.

Especially since it popped on here a bit too soon to have read the post and written that response.

It took me a few minutes to read your article. And my answer is my school essay:) Good luck!

Well, thanks for sharing your essay with us!

I'm glad you enjoyed it...

Certainly :)