
One Dollar in U.S. Crypto-Coinage (same as physical) should be the going price for Silver, plus whatever Premiums might be involved... If my Theory is correct, it will take One Hundred Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes to get your hands on One U.S. Crypto Dollar... So, right now, I think Silver is very undervalued and should be going for $100 per ounce... That's why I say it will cost you One U.S. Crypto-Dollar for an Ounce of Silver, after the Reset of our U.S. Coinage...

what is crypto coinage? and you think silver will go to $100.00? I believe much much more just off the historical values of the gold silver ratios and the increase the value gold will have.

We once had Silver Dollars... That will be close to where we're heading with U.S. Crypto an Physical U.S. Coinage... But this time, Silver will not go into our Coinage like it once did... That was a very big mistake... As per my Theory, U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will not be activated until after the reset of our U.S. Coinage... I do see your point about Silver becoming more Valuable, but as I've been saying in my Posts, Gold and Silver will continue to Fluctuate... Just remember what might be used to Measure their Fluctuating Values... That's what's about to change...