The Secret To BitShares and What You Should Do If ...

in #money8 years ago (edited)

... you're trying to get a return on a safer than normal investment move. First, let's look at a couple of facts about BitShares related to the supply:

On August 17th there was a supply of 2,570,560,000 BitShares
On August 27th there was a supply of 2,571,970,000 BitShares

For the record, we removed BitShares from our majors since we'll explain why we don't think that BitShares is a major. This isn't to say don't own it, speculate with it, or trade it, rather we think that BitShares isn't what most people think it is and overall we're bearish on it outside of speculation.

In this paragraph, I will write words that don't make sense relative to this post for the specific intent of filtering out spam bots and spam posters. Anyone who's actually read the post will probably laugh in the comments or type something along the lines of how this is a good idea, though don't give away too much for other non-readers. Think of this as our little secret. We suspect many people aren't actually reading these posts, other than the first and final paragraph, so we want to bury the meat of this post in the middle of this post. This is to reward you since you are clearly reading what we're writing. This is a reason we also decided to not use an image for this post; nothing like words to keep the mob away right? Congrats, by the way - you have an attention span.

BitShares supply has jumped over one million in less than ten days. At the rate of its supply increase, it will be diluted by over fifty million shares a year. The good news is that you know about this dilution, while idiots all over the internet who aren't paying attention don't (even though it's right in front of them). Things that increase that rapidly in supply do not maintain their value. If you don't know, Dan and Ned created BitShares too. See a pattern? Dan and Ned create inflationary or dilutionary ideas (the latter is not an official English word). Luckily for you, you read us and like we warned with Steem (which at this point has saved our readers over 38% of their money - whew!), we're warning you with BitShares. I believe strongly that neither Steem nor BitShares will hold their value over time and the ultimate suckers will be the ones who keep thinking they'll rise (they may rise some, but over the long run, collapse). Trend trading is one thing - and we feature this a lot - but be careful about hoping that these rise: their supplies are being diluted like crazy.

Of course, no cryptocurrency or crypto-asset is safe, but there are many that are not dilutionary or inflationary, which makes them better choices than the opposite. In other words, in the cryptosphere, there are safer investments, but no investment is truly safe.

Again, we remind you that most people won't read this and most people aren't paying attention, assuming they're not sock puppets of others - which is always a remote possibility. We highly suggest that you consider this with BitShares. If you are fine with the numbers we presented and you want to continue to buy, that's great - be glad you are informed about what you're doing. For those hoping to make money, however, you may bet the butt of the jokes for the reasons we stated.

So yeah, be careful. And be careful about anyone who's bullish on BitShares without addressing these points; assuming they're not a sock puppet, they may just be an idiot who can't grasp basic mathematics.

Note: I highly suggest that you read this page on cryptocurrencies that pay dividends to discover some cryptocurrencies that are actually a good deal. Finally, thanks for reading *wink.


You do not see the whole picture and you judge a system without taking all of the facts to come to your conclusion. Dilution is not something bad in every case AND BTS indeed has a hard cap of 3.7 billion.
1.2 billion of that come from a reserve fund to pay workers, development and maintenance over time.
see reserve pool
It is simply just one the most self sustaining blockchains out there.

In fact BitShares is constantly growing in terms of users and market activity.
It seems August 2016 is becoming the very first month in BTS history constantly trading above 500 filled orders per day. This is an important mark and a sign of its strong growth.

what matters most in the long run is whether this is good social media platform or not.

why is the supply increasing? I thought it was decreasing a while back.
EDIT: yes of course, the reserve pool as things ebb and flow

When did the supply decrease? And what was the amount before the decrease and after the decrease?