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RE: What Would Happen if Everyone Were Given 1 Million Dollars?

in #money8 years ago

actually, in a sense, everyone HAS been given millions and millions of dollars.
If you don't understand why.
consider decrease in the price of technology over time.
For example...when I was born a gigabyte of computer memory would have cost a zillion dollars, in other words it wasn't available for ANY price.
Today a gigabyte is free.


yeap. great parallelism that shows that the gap never really shrinks. quite the contrary.

everyone is getting richer all the time.
the accounting process is fucked up.
people don't realize how good they have it.

There is great truth in this. When I was a young man, I lived in the woods, off the land, in a tiny cabin in Juneau, Alaska.

The startling luxury of electric light, hot water in a tub, and cloth, had me marveling for weeks after I came in out of the cold.

Good cloth is remarkably hard to make from porcupine hide.

Technology should be even cheaper. When prices are not going down as much as they should that is still inflation.