Realist News: Why We're Doomed... Top 5% Own All the Wealth

in #money8 years ago

In this video Joe reads an article from ZeroHedge titled "Why We're Doomed" by Tyler Durden, 1 September 2017.

Article: Why We're Doomed...


Present system cannot endure (0:34)

Diverging income trajectories (0:47)

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Share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) going to wages and salaries plummets (1:02)

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Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (2:48)

Medical expenses soaring (4:06)

Stagnant wages equates to stagnant income tax revenues (4:29)

Soaring income inequality (5:57)

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Average family income 2002 versus 2012 (7:06)

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1988 cover of the Economist Magazine -- New world currency (8:30)


14 minute video published 2 September 2017


YouTube Channel: jsnip4


STEEMIT account: @jsnip4

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Great opinion from @Jsnip4 , good analisa.

Income distribution is really best represented with a triangle with a very steep point. Informative post. :)

Awesome post @etcmike

Absolutely agree. What is the new currency going to be? This is the biggest question our generation should be asking. My theory is that the Phoenix will be some form of gold backed/precious metal backed crypto

Your guess on the new world currency may very well be right. 2018 is right around the corner. We should know more soon.

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

Yes we will find out more soon I guess! Thanks, hope you have a great weekend too Mike.

Great post friend Up&Resteem

We have a huge problem with the pension system in this country. No one is really talking about it but if we don't get this economy going again fast those pension systems are going to need a bail out.

As one who is hitting the "retirement button", submitting for retirement, this weekend, I completely agree with you.

My pension plan offers a choice between all annuity or lump-sum and annuity. The perils of working for a company that got bought out. The lump-sum offer is from my original company. I will be taking the lump-sum and annuity option and cashing out my vacation and 401-k.

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

Your post title reminds me the fact that Indian women hold world's 10% total gold in their houses.