Greg Hunter interviews John Rubino, author, financial writer, and founder of, about the war, debt, economy, gold, and markets.
- (01:05) What is your view on how the tensions in the Middle East will affect the financial system?;
- (05:43) War cycle heating up;
- (10:53) What are the signs that look bullish for gold?;
- (14:44) Central banks buying gold;
- (16:20) Are gold prices going much higher?;
- (18:12) Shortage of cash;
- (20:56) What does the hoarding by the super rich tell you?;
- (23:38) What are the signs we are getting close to the end game for the financial system?;
- (27:50) Is all the debt going to be paid back?;
- (31:49) Playing the war card;
- (32:59) Is it best to own your own stuff?;
- And more...
37 minute video by Greg Hunter published 7 January 2020
Link Associated with this Interview
Past Point of No Return –John Rubino
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Thank You!
Thank you!
Todos usan el mismo punto de vista para dar sus opiniones como expertos en la materia, es decir, y si uno de ellos se equivoca?...
They all use the same point of view to give their opinions as experts in the field, that is, and if one of them is wrong?
Hola @etcmike, gracias por mantenernos al día con estos resúmenes. Hi @etcmike, thanks for keeping us up to date with these summaries.
At least Rubino thinks that all this will not lead to a war, but I wonder, what is the difference if the result will be the same, the economic depression that many predict will start so many small wars that can be even worse... Thank you and good day @etcmike.
Por lo menos Rubino piensa que todo esto no llevara a una guerra, pero me pregunto yo, cual es la diferencia si el resultado será el mismo, la depresión económica que mucho vaticinan iniciara tantas pequeñas guerras que puede ser hasta peor… Gracias y buen día @etcmike.
WW-III is the hot topic indeed, I just expected such a topic to br talked about on hunter's show,
Keep flourishing.
Today there is no point in saving, it is true and even more difficult is to invest, and that is the reason why cryptocurrencies are gaining ground more and more ...
Hoy día no tiene sentido ahorrar, es verdad y aún más difícil es invertir, y esa es la razón por la cual las criptomonedas están ganando terreno cada día más…
It was interesting to see gold and cryptocurrencies spike in price together this week. The price action does suggest that cryptocurrencies are seen as a "safe haven" like gold.
Have a great weekend!
Steem on,
Cada economista de estos tiene un diagnostico peor que el anterior, pero y las soluciones que estos pueden plantear serán realistas… porque si ellos que son los expertos no pueden hacer nada. Quien sí.
Let's hope there is someone who can provide an effective solution where the transition to any other economic modality is not as devastating as everyone envisions.
Esperemos haya alguien que aporte una solución efectiva donde la transición a cualquier otra modalidad económica no sea tan devastadora como todos la visualizan.
I mean this is like a loop... only when it restarts it will affect not only many people but also entire countries...
Es decir esto es como un bucle… solo que al reiniciarse afectara no solo a mucha gente sino también a países enteros…
Great video to keep you up to date, thanks.
Thank you very much for the information with GREG HUNTER, good luck
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interesting information, thank you very much for sharing
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