Greg Hunter Interview: Catherine Austin Fitts - Manipulation and Corruption

in #money5 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews Catherine Austin Fitts, investment adviser and publisher of The Solari Report found on, about the debt, economy, gold, and markets.


  • (02:16) Do you think China is going to take a hit because of the corona virus?;
  • (08:36) Is this all about control of the population?;
  • (10:21) The Solari Report;
  • (13:22) The hidden financial records of the government;
  • (14:25) Government advocating hidden financial records in public companies;
  • (16:09) Former Wells Fargo CEO fined;
  • (17:27) What does it mean when the U.S. Department of Defense says it has $95 trillion in adjustments over three years?;
  • (25:28) The Roman Model;
  • (27:05) Is the deep state winning or losing?;
  • (28:41) Do you see strength in the U.S. dollar?;
  • (31:20) Is the financial system failing?;
  • (32:55) Is this the reason for gun control?;
  • (34:45) What is your opinion on gold?;
  • (39:38) What should the little guy do?;
  • And more...

52 minute video by Greg Hunter published 1 February 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

China Now in Dollar Bear Trap – Catherine Austin Fitts


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thank you for sharing the interview with GREG HUNTER, have a nice day

Great interview with GREG HUNTER, thank you very much for sharing, good luck

Posted using Partiko Android

Hola @etcmike, esto cada vez más parece una telenovela, lo peor es que las consecuencias si son reales…

Hello @etcmike, this is more and more like a soap opera, the worst thing is that the consequences if they are real...

Interesting interview. Interesting things are happening. I sent this link to my friend.

Saludos @etcmike, Catherine Austin Fitts si que puso a pensar a unos con estas declaraciones…

Greetings @etcmike, Catherine Austin Fitts really got some people thinking with these statements...

Going interview series for money🤑💸💵💴💶💰💳 markets.

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