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RE: (VIDEO) IMPORTANT UPDATES: The Fed. Stocks, Crude, Gold, Silver, MORE! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Appreciate your wise words and keeping us informed. Charlie and the rest of the Fed give us a false reality. The Fed should have been outlawed years ago.. But our puppet government does not have the balls to take them out. They are not subservient to our puppet government. You could do a much better job Greg. DO WE REALLY NEED THE FED???????


Our government sold us out a long time ago, the FED owns us. Revolution is the only way out and we the people are not prepared, but they are.

We never needed government in the first place. Kingdoms are meant to be ruled by Monarchy, not businessmen and politicians. But as the Bible says, the Devil and the demons are the dark powers behind each it's no wonder.

Its The Fed who needs the people - to rob them blind