Steem Global #4 (Update) Lottery

in #money8 years ago (edited)

SteemGlobal #4

SteemGlobal has evolved to a lottery for all the world!

What is SteemGlobal?

SteemGlobal has evolved to a decentralized lottery for all the world! All you have to do to participate is upvote this post. All upvotes count as one entry regardless of SP.
Anyone can win regardless of reputation.
You can also invite other people to play who are not yet on steemit. Having just the chance to win can be very attractive to some people.This can make even more people come to stimit. (:

Rules / Update

This update has major changes to SteemGlobal. I have been wanting to give back to the people who have supported the game so I’m making some big changes.

  • In order to play and win you must upvote this post.
  • No more treasure hunting!!! (comment down below if you prefer the hunt? Or both?)
  • All upvotes count as one entry regardless of SP
  • Anyone can win regardless of reputation.
  • Treasure Chest and donations stay!!
  • SD donated to Chest will go to winner
  • Winner will also get 95% of all author reward SDs!!! (including monthly!)
Previous Winner

Wiiner of SteemGlobal
16.05 SD

Determining Winner

this is for demonstration and I do not get a chance of winning

Every upvote will be written down in a GoogleSheet giving a number to each participant.
I will then use the random generator at to select a winner.
I will make a post and upload a video showing the number that is generated and winner.
I can also share the GoogleSheet before the drawing for verification purposes.


With a social crypto community like Steemit there are some things many like. One is transparacy, as steemit along with Bitcoin are based on blockchain technology which is all open sourced.
Another thing is that you don’t want to risk your reputation here on steemit.
With that said, I will do a post naming the winner and will show proof of transfer of steem dollars.
Others playing the game and even people interested in the game can also be used to verify this claims.

Minnows and Flow

You are encourage to play and have the same chance as winning as anyone else.


It is very important to upvote if you like this idea.

Why is it important to upvote?

  • Upvoting will not only increase the share that goes to the winner but it also gives you a chance at winning while encouraging others to play. .
  • It also helps is to grow the community by inviting everyone to play and keep them coming back to see if they won.

Donate to Chest

You can donate to treasure chest.
To donate just send me what you want to donate with the words "CHEST"

  Today I will donate 8 SDs
1 STEEM token (donated) +
.765 SD (donated) +
.035 SD (SteemGlobal2)+
.02 SD (SteemGlobal3)+
8.0 SD(donated) 
1 STEEM token and 8.82 SD +
95% author reward SDs for SteemGlobal4

Follow (:

Stay tuned
P.S Sorry for overusing the (: face lol


Should I make it so that anyone can edit? (wiki style)