it saddens me of thought that you may leave steemit . I know were you coming , Some how steemit fails to give the spotlight to the users that really deserve it . The only reason I am steemit right now is cryptocurrency . I want to master that damn elliot waves theorie . I don't like to depend on others . " I'm not in a position to build anything." I am the same boat . What I really learned on the hard way is don't get emotional involved about your post or else it will take toll on you . Luckliy I didn't commit to steemit yet .we are in realtionship is just 5 month old . It's way to early to propose . "So plan your laddering out/exit strategy. Steemit has a lot more to grow and don't sell anything. " I surely will and I won't sell anything .The old me would have sold immediately after few precentage gain . "It's better to be early and rushed than late and screwed up." Very true no one wants to be in a sinking ship . Before I can really shine on the crypto sphere I need to gain a lot of knowlegde and figure out how the marktes work . Galt-lite refernce really good one . I really like their quotes . "Atlas Shrugged"interesting book "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” — Ayn Rand" what a beautiful quote .
Can you elaborate on this "disappointing about steemit recently" so we can exchanges notes about this . I want to you perpective . " But I'm looking for my Dash in the social media space." Let me know when you find it
I'm not going to leave. It's just steemit solidified itself as 2013 Bitcoin in my mind. That's how the Dash reference came. Steemit is a great community. Most of the bad actors I see are either people who were early to the party, self-righteous quasi-capitalist whales or just tiny moochers making barely anything while being jelous of everything.. I've been getting $3-10 non-bot upvotes on my recent posts and I have much to give to the community. But there are many flaws arisen due to wishful and naive thinking of dan: (I support a hybrid system where privacy-centralisation co-exist with public decentralization. Dash gets this and that's why I love it so damn much)
Just checkout the comments and replies I've had during the past 24 hours and you'll know why I'm think this ship is about to sink. I'll keep everyone posted. I'm not going anywhere any soon.
Almost all problems with steemit is due to a lack of constitution/vision/principles. Censorship free DPoS blockchain isn't specific enough. Digital Cash is specific.
Just read and don't get involved.
I let my case rest hereI have read the links . THat @berniesanders guy is a very interesting guy . He knows how to rally discontent/jealous people . But I think his approach counterproductive .You can't force people to join your cause . And he doesn't have the courtesy to bring his message politely . When people give solid agruments against his case he downvotes many other do the same . That's not the way to discuss something . I don't know what his motives are , but haejin gets more visibility every day that passes . Or was it a long his plan ? That would be have been a very beautiful excuted plan . Point people on the wrong direction . If he really was honest about his cause , why not decline payout .He whining about that Haejin is raping the reward pool and one of his post got more than $1000 sbd as payout . What an hypocrite , in one of his comments he is saying don't be sheep. So if follow you I'm not sheep anymore ,who you're kidding . I have to say he made good money in this so called 'Beef'
"I've been getting $3-10 non-bot upvotes on my recent posts and I have much to give to the community." I have noticed , I hope you will get more and more visibility every day that passes .Totally agree with there you content is worth sharing.
"I'll keep everyone posted. I'm not going anywhere any soon."
Good to hear!
I get where you coming from that you support the hybrid sytem . Complete transparancy ? No for me