Hey xavier1,
I am glad to have you here in the community and I am also grateful to have a community that accepts and supports me. I was born and raised near Memphis, Tennessee before moving west so I definitely know the realities of living under the poverty threshold, trust me. What I learned was that it was actually the people I chose to surround myself with and the decisions I had made up until this point was what were actually dragging me down. I realized nobody was going to come knocking on my door offering me a job I wanted, I had to go out into the world and seize it.
As I mention in my introduction post, it was only after battling a harsh drug addiction, finding clear goals and consistently waking up every morning, striving to be the best person I can was I then able to reach a level of success, albeit a small one. Anyways, all I am trying to say it stay positive fellow Steemer. Life wants good things to happen for you, I'm sure.