Trillionaire Rothschild Warns His Own Central Banking System Is Failing and Buys Gold

in #money8 years ago (edited)

We have been highlighting the wave of billionaires who are all getting out of the stock market this summer and buying gold. Well, now it's a trillionaire.

Of course, he's not "officially" on top in the "most wealthy" lists... but that is because the Rothschilds have been experts in hiding their wealth for centuries.

When Jacob's great-great-great-great grandfather, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, died in 1812, his will explicitly stated that no public inventory of his estate was to be published and that no legal action was to be taken with regard to the value of the inheritance. It's also been suggested that the Rothschilds use private, unrecorded, limited partnerships to accumulate wealth (you know, like all the ones in the Panama Papers).

By the end of the 19th century it was estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world. No one can prove it of course, but it seems likely. You can see their fingerprints on many current events. In fact, their family has likely caused and financed both sides of nearly every war since and control virtually every central bank (to see a full list of all their crimes against humanity click here).

And so, when Jacob Rothschild says that he is buying gold because the central banks are out of control, you have to laugh. He and his family have been in control of the world's central banks for centuries.

But he has said it nonetheless. In his semi-annual address to shareholders of RIT Capital Partners, Jacob Rothschild, announced that they are reducing stock market and currency exposure and increasing their gold holdings and warns that the world is now in “uncharted waters” and that the consequences are “impossible” to predict.

He stated:

The six months under review have seen central bankers continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world.

We are therefore in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates, with some 30% of global government debt at negative yields, combined with quantitative easing on a massive scale.”

It’s not impossible to predict. There’s going to be a gigantic crash.

That's what Rothschild is telling us and what our analysis of Shemitah and now Jubilee 2016 reveal to us. Financial disasters track these timelines and Rothschild knows all about it. He's the best man to predict what is going to happen because he and other globalist elites have created the timeline of catastrophe that we regularly analyze and predict.

And he's being clear that this timeline of catastrophe is moving ahead. For observers like us - and you - he is stating the obvious. And others are making it clear as well. With just a month-and-a-half until the end of the Jubilee Year, very connected billionaires are warning that things are going horribly wrong.

It's no coincidence. George Soros began to move heavily into gold a few months ago and so did his buddy Crispin Odey. And now Jacob Rothschild himself is moving into gold... We are certain they already own tremendous sums of it... but he is buying even more now in the final days of Jubilee 2016.

Rothschild and the others want us to believe they are concerned about this state of affairs. He's pretending he's making his move because he is worried.

He's not worried. He KNOWS what is going to happen. He helped plan it.

They are acting concerned. But, it's just an act.

Rothschild, for instance, points out that despite central bank money printing boosting stock markets, this growth is detached from the real economy. In fact, he's basically warning that years of overprinting and 0% interest rates have destroyed economies around the world.

This isn't just speculation on our part. It's not hypothetical. Globalist financial elites, and even now the super elites, are rushing into gold. They have the wherewithal to do it but unfortunately others do not. It is estimated that 0.5% of the average American's portfolio has exposure to precious metals. And, that, is probably all they'll have left once Rothschild prepares to destroy the system he created in order to buy up everything at pennies on the dollar, like they did in 1929.

If you haven't begun to get a significant portion of your assets outside of the financial system (the banks, fiat currencies and the overall stock market excluding gold stocks), you're preparing to play the victim. When Rothschild announces his own central banking system is in "uncharted waters" in the "greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world," and moves into gold... you should be right behind him (or right in front of him as we have been the last few years).

There are very few places that were built to help survive and profit from this very event... but this is what The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) was built for. And we can help.

We've written the e-book "Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge" (available for $44.95 - or included with a subscription to TDV) to help you easily invest in precious metals and internationalize them for protection without leaving the comfort of your own home.

And we also have a private group for subscribers across the world who have already taken steps to protect themselves and are more than happy to help you. And, our Premium newsletter's subscriber portfolio is up 200% in the last year as we have predicted nearly everything that has been happening and is ongoing.

We are now getting very close to a massive event. Most of the biggest globalist elites are not only warning about it but moving into precious metals and mining stocks... and out of the overall stock markets.

Even just a few months ago, the bond manager of what was once the world's biggest bond fund had a dire prediction about what was going to happen:

Janus Capital Twitter2 - The Dollar Vigilante

It's never been clearer... nor have you ever received more warning. Yet most people are not acting. Many are not even aware how close to the edge we are dancing.

Stick with us here at TDV on Steemit ( @dollarvigilante ) and subscribe to the TDV newsletter to make sure you aren't one of them. If for some reason you don't believe us, then believe what Rothschild is telling you.

There are 3 pages

Wait, so the Rothschilds are masters of deceit and manipulation and the evil masterminds behind every important world events who puppeteer a great number of politicians and control mainstream media but for some reason they decided that they have to make a public statement about how they think the central banking system is f*cked up and how they are buying gold, and of course this time around they are just being honest (oops) and you should take what they say to face value and buy gold so that you can foil their evil plan of enslaving you with debt?

This is utter nonsense. Your credibility is taking a huge hit here. Get a grip TDV. If anarchism is to be taken seriously, it has to focus on the actual cause that is overthrowing the state and restoring people's freedom and ownership of their own lives. There is no need of invoking ridiculous and completely baseless conspiracy theories to add a touch of drama to your analysis in particular when said theories actually contradict your analysis. You may be getting more followers among the tinfoil hatter nut jobs type, but you are turning away intelligent people who abide by the rules of logic and can tell apart fantasy and facts.

Think about it, if there was an organized ennemy, and for one the state is one very powerful one, don't you think they would try all they can to discredit anarchism? Haven't you already noticed how everybody seems to think that "anarchy" means complete chaos? Haven't you noticed that disruptive people tend to end up dragged in sex crime or corruption scandals or get legally bullied? Don't you know that suppressing someone's credibility is the modern alternative to assassination and that's the reason it's often referred to as "character assassination"? Haven't you heard about the HBGary leaks and how it is an asserted fact that the government sponsors wide scale astroturfing operations to manipulate public opinion? What makes you think that the kind of baseless conspiracy theory you are relaying here hasn't been deliberately planted in the anarchist community together with similar nonsense about satanic cults or even more ridiculous theories involving extraterrestrial entities to make anarchists look like a bunch of loonies.

Again, we don't need these stories about who secretly controls governments. We already know that governments are corrupt to the bone and we now have all the tools to get rid of them regardless of who actually controls them, and whenever we do so the hypothetical super-villain(s) will be totally helpless and harmless. So let's just focus on what we have to do to get rid of governments and stop getting caught in self-defeating and completely irrelevant fantasizing about higher order conspiracies.

Now I'm not saying that the rest of your analysis is wrong, and that's why it's a pity. I agree that the global economy is wildly over-leveraged and on the verge of collapse, and I agree that physical gold and crypto are the only counterparty risk free assets that are uncorrelated (actually negatively correlated) to every other asset classes and therefore a good hedge and/or safe haven. But we don't need to "know" (hear while rolling eyes) how Rothschild is secretly a Sith Lord who controls the empire from his armchair. That's completely irrelevant (at least until you make a bullet proof series of posts that back these outlandish claims with solid verifiable evidence).

Are you familiar with the occult at all, @recursive? Occultists (and there's no shortage of evidence of deep Rothschild ties with the occult) have lots of very interesting beliefs and behaviors on matters like this. For one thing, you can research occult mockery, which is the tendency of occultists to manipulate people into doing things that benefit the occultist while labeling the ones manipulated, symbolically or allegorically, as pawns. The mindset here is "I'm going to trick you into being my pawn, and I'm going to tell you right to your face that's what I'm doing, but you're going to ignore it."

Alternatively, the occult also has interesting rules which may be interpreted as requiring the occultist to warn others of the plans the occultist is putting into motion which may harm the others. If one studies the occult, he will quickly realize that throughout history, occult groups have done all kinds of things plainly and in the open, telling their victims in advance exactly what they were doing, and simply relying on the human tendency to ignore negative information (information like "Your entire world finance system is about to collapse on top of you unless you get out now").

Be careful not to assume that Rothschild's motives are similar to your own. He may be telling you to your face exactly what you ought to do so that he can laugh at you when you don't do it. He may be telling you what to do because he believes his position of power is karmically dependent on his having provided his victims with such warnings. He may be telling you what to do because he knows it will gain him the loyalty of those who benefited from his advice. Or he may be telling you what to do because if you do it, he'll benefit at your expense. Decide for yourself, but factor in what you can easily know about Rothschild and his motives.

I'm not particularly interested in people's irrational beliefs.

I'm not denying that there are powerful influence groups, and that some of these groups have some kind of esoteric or cultish culture like the free masons, the scientology, and various kabbalah inspired cults. But the nature of their belief, the fact they are cultish or esoteric is of absolutely no bearing at all about what it is that they do that we are actually concerned about, which is the fact they are people in power who conspire to further their personal agenda at the expense of everyone else. Everything else is drama and sleeve effects: best for Dan Brown inspired hollywood productions, but complete fantasy when it comes to discussing practical political matters such as how to get rid of that giant bunch of colluding technocrats that makes our life miserable.

I think there is way too much focus on the cultural / religious aspect, and that discredits very badly the people who are over-stressing this dimension at the expense of a normal, healthy, level headed anarchist discourse which should be entirely free from reference to people's particular (irrational) beliefs. To push the matter a bit further, as I explain in my ealier post, it's very likely that the esoteric stories are a cover and a distraction. People have a short attention span, and there is nothing more effective to get rid of them than sending them on wrong track by getting them hooked on something mysterious but that's got nothing to do with what they were inquiring about in first place. And as a bonus they look like a bunch of loonies when they start putting that kind of information in their communications so that nobody is going to believe what they report.

Just look at the image "normal people" (the ones we are supposed to convince that anarchism is the way) get when reading anarchist sound and logical stance laced with Dan Brown style stories of esoterism and secret societies. Why the mix of styles? Why not discuss that kind of stuff on esoterism related forums, and stick to the actual facts that matter when discussing geopolitics and economy?

So to go back to the theory, Rothschild is supposedly "controlling" central banks? What evidence is there. Based on what is this statement being made? There must be a way that this information is known. What is this way? Why do people believe that theory? I'm waiting to be convinced by logic and sound evidence. Throwing in the story that Rothschild has a bizarre hobby that consists in scacrifying goats in the middle of a circled pentragram drawn on the ground of his manor with his own blood is of very little relevance with the kind of information I'm expecting to get convinced about his alleged connection with the QE scam run by central banks and governments of G20 countries.

I'm not particularly interested in people's irrational beliefs.

Perhaps not, but their beliefs, whether rational or not, do inform their actions. And if we accept that the Federal Reserve's actions affect us (which, regrettably, they do), and we know that the Rothschilds created and benefit from the Federal Reserve (ref, The Creature from Jekyll Island), then understanding the Rothschilds' actions, and the beliefs which inform them, can be quite helpful.

To be certain, occultists use their esoteric language and symbolism for precisely the reason that the average person will dismiss it as a bunch of hocus pocus rather than taking it as seriously as the occultists do. This allows the occultists to carry out their plans, which most definitely affect the rest of us, without the rest of us paying any attention to them.

Even if we dismiss the esoteric sciences as irrational, it must be acknowledged that cloaking one's plans in the language of those sciences to manipulate others into staying out of the way is coldly rational.

their beliefs, whether rational or not, do inform their actions. And if we accept that the Federal Reserve's actions affect us (which, regrettably, they do)

Ok, I give you that. I just watched one of TDV previous videos where he explains the rationale behind his concept of Shemitah and Jubilee year. Interesting, but unfortunately almost essentially based on interpretation of symbols, coincidences, numerology, and market moves which can usually be made to "prove" anything and its contrary. Now I have to admit that there are some compelling elements, and the sheer number of coincidences is surprising which would make it difficult to bruteforce entirely out of thin air. I haven't checked all the facts and quotations, but if it appears to be timely and accurate, I might have to give that some more attention in spite of the fact that indeed really sounds like hocus pocus.

we know that the Rothschilds created and benefit from the Federal Reserve (ref, The Creature from Jekyll Island)

I'm not aware of the Rothschilds being present in person at the Jekyll Island Conference or directly involved at the Fed but I imagine that through investment in American investment banks like JP Morgan & co it's imaginable that the Rothschilds may have had a voice at the conference. Are there some serious research published on the subject that shows just how much control the Rothschilds had on the creation of the Fed?

Even if we dismiss the esoteric sciences as irrational, it must be acknowledged that cloaking one's plans in the language of those sciences to manipulate others into staying out of the way is coldly rational.

Actually, thinking about it, even Cicada 3301 uses symbols and occult phraseology as code in spite of the fact they are arguably a community of cryptographers, and there is nothing more rational than a cryptographer. One could easily dismiss what they do as hocus pocus on first shallow evaluation. So you have a point.

To be fair, I'm realizing with more research that TDV has been in the business of analyzing things from an occult perspective since a few years already. I wasn't a follower of TDV until he started posting on Steem, so the transition from level headed no-nonsense anarchism (which I am entirely supportive of) to a sudden unexpected delving into occult conspiracy theory threw me off considerably. Now given that he has been at that for years, and it seems to be strongly associated with TDV brand, I'm not quite as critical anymore.

However I think that TDV shouldn't mix discussions about anarchy and this highly speculative symbolism based financial analysis that bears in fact very little relation with anarchism: government is crap regardless of the reason it is in place and regardless of whom it actually benefits to. It's even more problematic that Jeff seems to be rather influential in the ancap scene, so without proper separation of concerns like publishing anarchy related content and Shemitah/Jubiliee theory under different brands, the risk of turning off would-be-anarchist prospects is high. Anarchism is its own quantity. It's a clean, lean, rational approach to governance and economy. Associating it artificially with the kind of thematic which, in your own words, "the average person will dismiss it as a bunch of hocus pocus" doesn't sound like a great promotion strategy.

According to The Creature, one attendee was "Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs in Europe." Warburg, according to The Creature, bought his partnership in Kuhn, Loeb & Company with money provided by the Rothschilds.

I also note that the concept of central banking has Rothschild fingerprints all over it, and it seems to me infeasible that they wouldn't have been involved in the creation of the FRS. They were directly involved in at least one of the prior central banks in the US.

There is plenty of research on the subject. The Rothschilds practically invented the concept of the central bank. They also financed a good number of the hand picked billionaires that pioneered the industries that built this country(USA). JP Morgan being one of them. The problem and one of the goals of the globalist is "mass confusion and chaos". So there are many stories of Nathan and his sons going out and taking over countries money and many stories that attempt to debunk that as myths. They do like to tell you what they are doing, and have you not believe. So they will author both sides of the communications. Like financing both side of the various wars. "Hide in plain sight" should be a prevailing theme when you absorb propaganda or fact...Either way, I have found that if you see enough supporting anecdotal evidence, from a reasonable set of independent sources, the info is probably true. That being said, any of it will struggle to be absorbed by all in this era I call "The death of communications". Case in point, Trump is about to release the secret JFK documents which should put to rest the conspiracies. I bet even when government documents are released, the info will shock the consciousness of society to the point of disbelief...and folks like the Rothschilds will celebrate the resulting chaos..Jeff, by the way got his start after reading the Jekyll Island book.


From the data I could find there is no Rothschild conspiracy in the United States. I cannot speak for what goes on in other countries but the top richest families in America doesn't even have the Rothschild listed in the top 5. The data is the data, the evidence doesn't point to them but that doesn't mean we know who the richest families are but that the people who spend all the effort to find out haven't pointed to them.


They don't reside in the US. They reside in Tax Havens and in Europe. They are top tier Freemasons. Freemasons, affiliate secret societies and masonic think tanks control the US and the World.

Freemasons don't control the US and the World. I'm not saying there aren't groups conspiring but it is unlikely any of us know the names of those groups and that is assuming they even have a name. Let's call them special interest groups instead?

Call them special interest groups and I'll agree. But to blame it all on one group makes you look biased and like you have some personal agenda or dislike toward that one group.

Nah, they don't!
That's propaganda from anti-liberal groups, Religeous fanatics and Fascists etc
First off, it's against all they stand for,
you should look at them more out of the angle of voting rights for woman, schoolsystem for everyone, freedom of speech, individual freedom and individual growth. More towards humanism. They're also for freedom of religeon, if any.
They are even against the mis-use of so called power, they might have gathered through knowledge and other Masons.
The fact that they are so secret is simply because they risked let's say the firestake, for being interested in new sciencecolleges etc.
Today internet has made them quite absolete, but not in dictatored countries fi.
And don't affiliate me please!

we've had free speech for decades now, even centuries. yet they maintained their occult network in place for power and control. they've become a mafia with some gullible people who stll join them thinking it's about humanism or maybe just for opportunism. today they are infact the reactionaries and the very ones threatening free speech (with "hate speech" laws , mass surveillance etc) and pushing for tyranny.

That is not data. It is clearly stated that their wealth is not to be accounted. So yea, good luck proving that they are not that wealthy.

Yup. The burden of proof has to be on the person making the assertion. I'm open to the possibility that claims made about the Rothchild's wealth are true, but I have not yet seen actual proof.

Trying to prove a negative (like there is no conspiracy) is like trying to prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist.

TDV is right about a lot of things. He may be right about the Rothchilds, but without proof, the most we have on the matter is suspicion.

I have been very interested about the Rothschilds for a long time and read everything I can about them, granted much of what is said may be pure speculation, but one thing is true they have been immensely rich for centuries, how rich nobody knows.
And they are closely related to all financial movements, so anything said about what they are doing money-wise should be watched with interest.

It is clearly stated that their wealth is not to be accounted. So yea, good luck proving that they are not that wealthy.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser? There is no proof Rothschilds are not trillionaires, therefore they are trillionaires? Strange logic.

Unfortunately, It's all about that those premium subscriptions of $44.95 rolling in to (ironically) his bank account.

Gold is a pain in the ass to sell and you'll get taxed on it. Stick with BTC, it'll be worth more in 12 months than when you bought it.

It might be, my BTC was worth less than when I bought it in 2013 though! Sold it about a week ago and re-invested in something else!

Whatabout now

well he didn't stated that: there'll be a huge financial crash... he said that banking system is "sailing" to "uncharted waters" and he's buying gold. But you won't see that in headline news...Only ones paying attention and possesing "common sense" realize - ok I'm gonna buy land, BTC, gold ... but the masses are focused on trump vs hitlary, in EU its immigrants, brexit and olympics all over the world. So he's completely comfort to claim those words publicly

If only you knew...

Shine the light on my ignorance.


recursive, I hear you. The occult stuff is detrimental to the movement in a way. I classify it under the file: recognize it, and move on. It is not a good thing to dwell on. I find people who focus a lot on the occult aspect live paralyzed in fear and anger. I think it's important to know as a basis, but lingering there is a bad place to be. What we resist persists. If we want to make real progress, we have to focus on where we're going, not on what's wrong and what's wrong and what's wrong. The occult stuff can paralyze people with fear. And I think a lot of the people who are carrying the message to people might knowingly be doing it to strengthen the very people they are supposedly calling out. People who make people scared aren't teachers, and I wonder about their intent. I would love for the people who are stuck obsessing in the occult world to use that energy to envision where we're going. To invent and create. What does hours and hours and hours of research into what they believe do for us? Ok, they have a fucked up belief system that they use to manipulate us. Good. Done. Knowledge is power. Move on.

Are people actually feeling fear for fictional narratives? What is there to fear? Those elites, satanists or cultists or whatever they may be are just normal folks who fart like anyone else and get tooth cavities too. There really isn't anything really impressive about them that makes them any different than these sleepy folks you see in the subway every morning. They probably don't even believe all the crap they use as excuses for their actions. All there is to this conspiracy is a just a bunch of self-serving technocrat colluding to further their personal agenda. The same old story that's been going on for forever in the history of mankind. Faith has always been an excuse to hide self-interested unethical behavior. That's all there is to it, really.

In secret private international banking meetings in 1913, the Federal Reserve, occult acts of masons, Skull and Bones sort of Oddfellows formed the Federal Reserve. The Morgan's the Rothschild's, and other banking capitol elite have a direct correlations with the Federal Reserve, secret societies, occult activities. Word to your great, great, grandmother.

Blowback is the history of the CIA or deep state department swamp thing

Crypto is better than gold! Gold can be seized by the government.

It can, but gold is about the only thing (next to clean water) on our planet that is guaranteed to maintain its value (within a margin, of course.) All crypto-currencies are still incredibly susceptible to wild market fluctuations, and while unlikely could go to zero in an incredibly short time. Likewise, you're not dependent on the power grid or an online connection to trade your gold.

There are ups and downs to both - that's why it's imperative to diversify.

There is way more gold than we think inside the earth, just think that it was said (I'm uncertain.) that about 2% of earth's core is gold.

I would bet on us harvesting asteroids prior to the earth's core

It can, but gold is about the only thing (next to clean water) on our planet that is guaranteed to maintain its value (within a margin, of course.)

Actually, not even "within a margin". Gold's intrinsic value has never really changed. It's the dollar that's been jumping around like a monkey going up and down (mostly down) depending on what new arbitrary round of market manipulation central banks have decided to do. Holding a gold bullion in your hands is still the odly greed satisfying experience that it has always been, and showing off your gold will still make your neighbours jealous and expose you to robbery, just has it has always been the case.

Gold is far from guaranteed to maintain its value, nothing is guaranteed in that way. Value is always based on perception. Diamonds were pretty worthless until De Beers began their massive campaign about diamond engagement rings, now diamonds are incredibly valuable. If someone started to diversify into something else away from Gold, crypto currency for example, then with enough weight others would move and diversify out of Gold and its value would drop massively. In someways akin to what will happen with the stockmarket, people diversify out to Gold so the stockmarket crashes and Gold soars. Something is only valuable whilst it is in demand.

De Beers has a (virtual) monopoly control on the diamond market. They're artificially restricting supply to keep prices high. It's not a fair comparison to gold. There is no single vendor who has a huge majority share of the sale of it.

Yes, value is always based on perception - but it's also based on supply and demand. Gold is actually genuinely scarce, not artificially (like diamonds). Likewise, historically - gold has always had notable value. Yes, there are no guarantees in life, but of all resources (next to water) gold will retain at least some decent amount of value. Sure, if there were a worldwide nuclear holocaust and we all went back to living like cavemen, it would likely go to just about nothing - or nothing. But, short of that, humans have always valued it to some extent.

Indeed as you say value is impacted by supply and demand, my point being that if enough of a perception shift was created then demand would drop in a very significant way as the demand was fulfilled by something else. Four years ago Bitcoin was worth very little, then over the course of a few short months it ramped up to over $1000/coin, it has been up and down since and is currently far lower than it was worth at the end of 2013. There was a high enough perception of value back then that people were willing to pay over $1000 for something that six months early would have been $2 or so. Things can change almost in the blink of an eye, things only ever retain value if enough of the population is sold on the idea that said thing is valuable. There are alternative to gold though people still use it because they feel it is better to.

Interesting but you could spin it the other way too. Gold is tangible and can be physically stored if need be. It has physical uses that make it valuable. A crypto currency relies on confidence, electricity and a functioning internet which are things that can vanish in an instant.

Better for tax purposes too.

I highly doubt the government would go door to door to millions of houses to seize precious metals. The country would go ape shit, and a civil war would erupt.
With that said. I have a small position of crypto in my portfolio for the sake of diversifying. I just like the fact that it's decentralized, and it could be the new money created by the people for the people. Cheers!

can i see the interview source. i have somebody i need to show it to.

Hence the reason all my money now lies in Crypto.....every penny, in fact when I get paid my pay gets converted to crypto within a few hours time as well.

PS - Screw the banks, the Rothschild's and the Government!

@dollarvigilante hey man thanks for the vote, would you mind checking out my latest post.....I got "The Colbert Report" on Steemit!

i've follow you just for that comment :)

Well, it would be wise to keep some stuff out of crypto just in case things get so wrong that unhindered access to Internet ceases being a basic right. We have already lost almost all sorts of privacy on the Internet, which was unthinkable a decade ago. The new trend is for governments to try to ban the use of cryptography or force hardware makers and software vendors to install backdoors. Downright access control is just around the corner, actually it's already in place in China. When/if that happens, cryptocurrencies in their current form will take a huge hit. A massive global financial crisis that would fuel cryptocurrencies is precisely the type of thing that could push government over the edge. It's always safe to diversify: have some tangible assets like land (but remember you don't really own it and could be expropriated when the bankrupt majority decides to collectivize land as it happened is USSR) or gold (but remember that you'll likely be coerced to sell it to the government at an unfair price when they are forced to return to the gold standard to stop the crazy hyperinflation, so you'd better have a good plan about where to store it safely away from the looters's reach and have plausible deniability as of why that gold you bought isn't at your home anymore).

All of your cash gets converted to crypto? wow - interesting.... how do you handle the wild fluctuations and also just the convenience of having some cash around to just buy whatever, whenever? (particularly paying your bills for example...)

I run without a bank account as well. 100% crypto. Only time I touch fiat is to pay my landlord.

nice move. How long have you been able to do that?

I got a Visa card from and it allows me to load Cash or BTC on the card (online) and use it just like a regular credit card at any ATM or business that accepts Visa. You can even direct deposit your pay to the card and have it automatically converted to BTC. As far as wild fluctuations I don't honestly worry about it much as most everything is converted to BTC which is fairly stable, even with all the hacks lately.

That's great USA is open or USA banned like every other dang crypto debit card?

Sweet thanks already applied and paid for the card this is what I needed I also put half of my paycheck into Bitcoin.

Coinbase also has the shift card. I have one but I've never used it.

Coinbase is run by the CIA (or at least heavily backdoored by them) and the Shift Card is tied directly to your balance on their site. No banking functions like the BitPay Visa and I personally do not trust them. is currently the ONLY BTC/FIAT card that works in the USA.....but it is not anonymous and they require Driver License, Social Security Number, DOB, etc. to comply with the Patriot Act and several other Post-911 Laws.

What if you get hacked and some hacker steals some or all of it?

Umm it is still a Visa card and is quaranteed against fraud by Visa. But I don't leave put everything on the Bitpay Card. I leave most of it in various exchanges like Bittrex, Poloniex, Coinbase, etc. I also have some of it on Gyft and a few other places. I only transfer what I need (when I need it) to the Bitpay Visa.

Same j use gyft and egifter. Great programs

Get Mycelium on your phone. Get Electrum or Armory on your PC. When you keep Bitcoin in exchanges like BIttrex, Poloniex and Coinbase, you don't actually own your Bitcoin. You are entrusting it to a third party who is subject to hacking or legal action. The recent Bitfinex incident should make clear to you that unless you keep your Bitcoin keys either off-line or on your own hardware, all your cryptocurrency holdings are at-risk for theft (whether by government or private criminals.)

Did you have anything in Bitfinex? Aren't you scared of keeping your funds with a third party that could be hacked?

From your previous remarks in chat it seems you aren't in a financial place to really invest at the moment but hopefully you will get there. How would you go about growing your wealth through investment and interest?

Are you just relying on the btc value to keep growing and at the very least keep up with fiat inflation?

Crypto is one part. There is a very real possibility that this kind of crash could lead to things like power outages and wide scale civil unrest. Imo it's wise to have some hard assets too. I turned some btc into gold and silver.

I have hard assets as well!

I have an AR-15 also and over a thousand rounds of ammo.....if the Global Economy crashes "I will survive"!

Need to buy some metal too man for the zombie warfare!!

This tin foil hat stuff is going too far... You don't understand economic rates of change that well and this propaganda is making it worse

ROC has nothing to do with my post or veneuspcs'

Thanks for the analysis, @dollarvigilante.

My question is not whether gold is a good investment in a long term view. Obviously it is, and your posts give more than enough insights on it.

But is it now the best moment to enter from your perspective?

Here's the gold price chart for the last 10 years. Are we in the beginning of cycle that will give us another spike in the next 3-5 years?

It hasn't even started yet.

So you say that the time to buy is now

You have to make your own informed decision. Jeff's dollar vigilante service is very informative. We'll worth subscribing to the premium membership. The crap is about to hit the fan, big time........

Check the global trends @dollarvigilane did, but also add your own data to make the decision. In my case I can see that China and Russia are buying tons after tons of gold, so it seems an interesting time to investing in this metal, and silver [just my humble opinion]

As per @dollarvigilante, things have just begun. Jim Rickards and other experts are predicting $10,000 per oz. or more for gold (currently it's at $1340ish). That number's not pulled out of the air, but based on a mathematical calculation that would use gold to restore confidence in the monetary system. The current market price would be substantially higher were it not for manipulation of the gold market by the banking cartel (including central banks). But the pressure's about to get released, and once panic sets in there'd be gold bull mania.

Here's an article that puts things in perspective on how high things could go:

Another expert believes Jim's number is too low:

Buy land, they're not making it anymore.

Yes they are... but still yes, as the Rothschild's say buy when there is blood in the streets, even if its your own

I'm just gonna get some Mars land for free.

Divide the amount of available gold by the amount of currency in circulation. Factoring in people will want dollars like they want a used piece of toilet paper.

Load up on gold, silver and crypto-currencies like Steem!

Great minds think alike.

maybe @dantheman & @ned can introduce a SteemGold (pegged to gold) soon enough. please try and ask them when you have the chance.

This is an amazing admission for one of the banksters to make. These insiders constantly go waaaay out of their way NOT to talk about how a bond market implosion would expose the insolvency of the fiat money system. I think anyone who has accumulated wealth needs to give careful thought to how to preserve it, and that means investing it outside the "system" is stuff that's real. In 10 years, no one will EVER regret the money that they stated in physical gold and silver held in vaults outside the USA, even if we will probably need to endure market price manipulation for a while longer...

If all of these billionaires have bought gold this summer then why hasn't the price of gold gone up dramatically? Although the price of gold did go up right after brexit, it has come back down.

I don't buy these theories. Analysis such as this one looks more like propaganda used by groups who are trying to drive the price of a commodity or stock up or down for their own purposes.

There are plenty of goid articles which have been going around for some time now and there is much much more evidence out there to support preserving wealth in gold and silver

We have many choices when it comes to propaganda.

Maybe the Elite want us to all buy Gold. Then they dump it when the price gets high enough and all the little guys are

JanusCapital Janus Capital tweeted @ 09 Jun 2016 - 14:05 UTC

Gross: Global yields lowest in 500 years of recorded history. $10 trillion of neg. rate bonds. This is a supernova that will explode one day

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

You good twitterbot, you good!

I've recently added more crypto to my diversified portfolio.

I agree with people should be able to keep their own money when they die, estate taxes are the worst form of theft because the person can not defend themselves. I really enjoyed the article and thought it was very informative to learn more about the shadow economy. However..

In all fairness @dollarvigilante you mischaracterized Jacob Rothschild's statement when you describe him as saying "impossible" but not the including his use of the modifier "not".

the consequences are “impossible” to predict.

It is clear in his quote a few lines down he is saying the opposite.

It’s not impossible to predict. There’s going to be a gigantic crash.

Your description of the cited quote connotes uncertainty and the actual source quote is saying just the opposite. Probably an honest mistake just thought I would point it out.


Don't jump to invest in gold so easily. Has anyone considered - or does anyone even remember 1933 when Roosevelt made executive order 6102, which required EVERYONE to turn in their gold for a mere $22 per troy ounce, under federal penalty??????

Gold is good, but only if there's no record of you having it. Don't be fooled, because people like the Rothschilds are not stupid. If in fact, he knew the economy was going to collapse, the last thing he'd be doing is announcing it to the public.

For anyone who wants a true, unbiased and extremely informational look at how the elite control global commerce and the money supply, get a copy of the 1968 book 'The Rich and the Super-Rich' by Ferdinand Lundberg.

You heard it here first.

Unless you are paying in cash or cash equivalents (money order, traveller's check, etc.) of $10,000 or more, the dealer where you buy your gold from is not obligated to report the transaction. Roosevelt's executive order forbade "the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". So there is also the option to have an offshore precious metals account and store your gold in an offshore vault. The order does not include gold jewelry or silver either. So worse thing is you can liquidate your gold and buy either or both, or some other hard asset.

It's possible but why not just enforce bail ins? At the last g20 summit there was a huge push to pasd legislation to allow for the implementation of bail ins.

Anything is possible. I'm just saying, beware of what these people let "leak". Bail ins are a different animal than gold confiscation, and furthermore, my point is if it's happened before it can happen again. :)

Yes, the central core of central bankers (G30) discussed in their working papers put out by the "Group Of Thirty" that they wanted a return to the "Gold Standard" globally. To continue their centralization of power and wealth. A return to the "Gold Standard" whilst the central banking system of debt exists grants all the power to the gold holders, such as Rothschild.

As I discussed in my Venezuela video, they used the World Bank and their manipulation of the Bolivar to start taking all the gold out of Venezuela for dimes on the dollar. See it on my steemit blog:

Furthermore, this same G30 Group of Thirty is running a working group on "shadow banking", and it is no surprise they concluded their working group just after the Panama Papers were leaked. They are now focused on crypto-currencies for sure and the emerging crypto-currency markets.

What goes up got to come down. Whether stock or gold. Be smart to invest in the right place at the right time. Take charge of your investment wisely.

Friend, I want to supplement your information about the Rothschild family, Here people will find the complete history of events in the last thousand years
and its also

What are your views on investing in silver and gold bullion?

The Rothschild family puts more money into humanitarian causes than all the money in crypto probably. So while some individuals may like to bash them, the fact of the matter is they have probably done more for the well-being of people in need than most could ever dream of. The 'lynch mob' mentality is immature, as society reflects the state of being of the majority, not just a few. I have heard all the stories of elites controlling this and that, but at the end of the day each and every one of us controls our own lives. Sure these elitist groups might plan wars and profit, but everything has two sides. Without death and destruction life cannot move forward. This is how it has been and continues to be. I accept that and know that society changes gradually over decades and centuries. So next time you look for a witch to hunt ask yourself: would I rather be living right now, or 100 years ago or 50 years ago? Living standards are betters now for most, so too is education, the list goes on. The system has given rise to many things that are truly miraculous and truly disgusting. But life is about balance. There will always be a balance of good and bad in the word. I prefer to focus on the positive things I can see.

Claiming that there would be no progress without wars and debt slavery is absurd.
you sound like one of their freemason little helpers.
the reason me and many others got into bitcoin is exactly to escape their rigged central banks system.
they evaded trillions then with their central banks pushed us into debt slavery and high taxes but we should admire them cos they give a few millions to "charity"?....charities which then they use to further their goals (like in Syria which they aim to control next).
as you say we should focus on what we can do with our lives, and getting out of their crony system of controlled central banks, politicians and media is what we should focus on. if through cypto we create a system which only rewards good there will be a lot more good than bad in the world.

Of course slavery is necessary, it built and maintains the whole system we live within. So its a fact. What is also a fact is that less people are slaves in many ways than a few decades ago or a century. So be grateful. Stop playing the name and blame game. Have some fortitude and take responsibility for your life. Crypto is a great positive way to progress, of course. I never said it wasn't. There is no such thing as debt, that is for the banks not me. I have never and will never be in debt. If you have debt that you cant pay its your fault not the banks. They just offer a service. In time machine will automate nearly all aspects of human life until slavery almost entirely disappears. So all the death and destruction will be worth it. It is nature, a natural force that shapes the world, not just a few humans. Without destruction there can be no creation. Nature IS human society, so it is perfect.

Upvoted as it is an opinion and did not deserve a flag

Be they good or evil is irrelevant. The system we think can never fail our golden age standard of living can fail. People everywhere know something is wrong and there will be very little confidence in any fiat currency. Very little confidence = very little value. Gold could be $5000 per ounce and still be a great buy to preserve against negative interest snd hyperinflation

To admit not having confidence in something is to admit to having low self-esteem and low confidence in myself. The world exists inside my imagination. Its me. So to blame and name something as bad 'out there' is really to say I feel bad about myself. I prefer to not do this and accept that I feel great right now. Because I do feel great right now and know that any negative information I may hear is just a fun story for my entertainment. Its either that or feel bad about imaginary information. I know which I always pick :)

I'm another character created by your subconscious mind. It's pointless to write your thoughts in a blockchain and tatoo your account name on your hand. I'm creating that goddamn blockchain and that goddamn hand too. You won't remember it tomorrow. Now easy, and come take your blue pill.

hahaha funny :)

Money is just money, no one owns it, what matters is what it is spent on, and a lot of rich peoples money goes to help people who need it on a massive scale. 100's of Billions. Maybe even trillions. All I got from your reply was negative reason after negative reason for why its all bad, while ignoring the good it actually does.

money is best when it is free, only a story says they stole it, and only such a story is believed and taken seriously by people who have a fear of money and are angry they don't have more, just like the people they complain about...oh wait they are you hahaha its a reflection of your own state of being if you take it to e real. Really when we use money and don't share we steal from each other anyway. Humans have not learned to share our toys like good little children, so they took the long route of perfecting machines to do the job for us, its all really very funny indeed :)

Be your own Bank. Use cryptocurrency :)

And so, when Jacob Rothschild says that he is buying gold because the central banks are out of control, you have to laugh. He and his family have been in control of the world's central banks for centuries.

It's called Pump and Dump.

Enjoying buying in and giving him your money.

Is silver a good buy? I don't mean the price; it obviously is. But is there any potential?

Simple answer: YES. In addition to being sound MONEY, which is universally recognized, silver (in contrast to gold) is an industrial commodity with many uses, especially electronics and related fields. As a result, although it exists in much greater quantities than gold, it is also consumed, whereas most of the gold mining since the dawn of time is still with us. We will always need more silver, and that results in market forces quite different from gold. Bottom line, gold & silver will hold their value relative to phony government money, and when the phone money collapses, the silver & gold will still be around. That's what we're really talking about when we predict the metals prices will soar eventually.

The war machine of the future will likely drive up demand for silver and as Gerald celente says "when all else fails we take them to war"

The rothschilds and rockefellers are pieces of shit. They've manipulated countries to do dirty work for them and they make thee money. They control 99.9% of banks in the world. Every time a country refused to give in, look what happened to Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan, and many more. When a country refused to be controlled themed send America in and make something up like " Iraq and Afghanistan are the reason for 9/11, so let's kill them. They sick sons of bitchs and they need to bee put down. My father knows that gold is what's great now and has been saying it for 2 years. @hfh777

I hope everyone takes this warning seriously... you must be out of the cratering bankrupt financial system to protect your wealth and your family! Get Gold silver & Bitcoin ASAP!!!

OMG WHY ARE PEOPLE UPVOTING THIS? This is soooo stupid. Seriously, fellow Steemians? Seriously? We are supposed to upvoting good content here - not conspiratorial crap like this.

How do you feel about the other perspective on this situation? See what you've explained is a worldly view of the jubilee and shemitah, but if you believe in the bible this does not mean doom and gloom. The jubilee year is the year of restoration and debt repayment. all possessions being given back. So you have two options to choose which you will believe. If you look at invetment opportunities like iraq, vietnam, iran .... these are huge upcoming economies that are gold backed, so yes gold might be "the safest bet" or something that is backed by gold! To just blindly live in fear without doing any kind of investigation is just silly.

like Meja Said - All 'Bout The Money :)

Hope silver rides the wave. Call options waiting.

all those who are stressing their minds and bodies over this to the point they can't think straight - please do realize if you do not have health, you don't have anything. all your supposed knowledge will do nothing if you are falling apart mentally and spiritually, which will be mirrored in your body. Fear and blame are on one end, being proactive and having healthy sense of responsibility - on the other.

Crypto is better than gold! Gold can be seized by the government.

Kim Jong-un (Korea) > Rothschild.

Banksters, why does it have to be banksters!
I hate the banksters in the same way that Indiana Jones hates snakes!
Even though the gold standard is a good thing to have, but its so unfortunately depressing that those hideous Rothschild banksters have been perverting it since back in the 19th century.
the Rothschild perversion of the gold standard is an absolute insult to the great and wonderful scientist Isaac Newton.
While we do need to go back to a gold standard, we really monetary diversity, enabling commerce with various forms of money including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Bytecoin, Steemdollars etc., barter noes like Timedollars, precious metals like gold, silver, copper, etc, gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, amethysts, aquamarine, etc., P2P barter credits like LETS & Mutual Credit, and so much more.

lots of people in the know preparing for the worst. The stock market is in a huge bubble. Our money has a good chance of becoming worthless if they keep printing it at this rate.

I agree the equity markets are a bubble, but the one that worries me most is the bond market. Too many people have been educated for their entire life that stocks are riskier than bonds. That's no longer true. If the market raises rates or we see a bubble explosion or hyperinflation, bonds prices will fall and NENVER come back. At least stocks will continue to rise in a hyper inflationary environment (although the paper gains will be illusory). Personally, I wouldn't trust anything I can't touch.

Thanks to help exposing these banking cartel!

Yes.... good posting :)

Beware of the keshe effect. Anarcho Duck's new tv show is approaching... Much love to jeff b, his online presence has altered my outlook on life lately, prolly going to become a tdv subscriber sooner rather than later...

#jubilee #jubileeb42018

Thank you very much for this perspective! I`m still not quite convinced of the actual real influence of a single family and that this is not just a playbook case of overconfidence and confirmation bias and inbread intellectual central planning and thus simply the predictable failure of a pretentious pompous collectivist parasitic elite and no vast conspiracy.

Even to a lay-man, like myself, a NYC bartender -- it is quite obvious that these gains the stock market has seen these last few years, hitting all-time highs.., Is completely disconnected from the main-stream economy. Regular folk have been completely left out, or behind. Thanks for the info and I will check out your newsletter. Cheers, @dollarvigilante

Where do you work in NYC? Wanna stop by your bar!

I quit my last gig, to take some time off for the summer... But, as soon as I land another gig (any day now) I will let you know, for sure. CHEERS!

Cool! Let's have a Steem-meetup-drinks in NYC:)

It's all coming down

The ethics of this all feel pretty gray. I'm not really questioning the inevitable crash due to out of control printing and lack of interest rates and that investing in metals/cryptos is a much better idea, but touting the world to buy into things after you've purchased them still feels pump and dumpy. I guess it's still a better alternative than allowing ignorant people to go down with the ship, but they are still pumping something up after they buy it. Fucking billionaires man

The ethics can be a grey area for sure, but it really depends on the intentions of the person behind it. If someone buys something, then tells others to buy it, people will say that he's talking up his own book. If he doesn't buy it, then tells others to buy it, then people will say that he doesn't really believe it. In the end we have to look at the arguments behind what people are saying, to find out if they're trying to manipulate us or the market, as their actions won't necessarily tell us the full story.

Intention is what makes an accident a crime. The grey matter of the mind may not have emotional intelligence as accounted for in heart strings bound by purse strings, ask a divorce lawyer or a theatrical producer besides tag team nepotism judge and lawyer families.

Once the crash happens your gold still still preserve your wealth. One dollar today could be worth a quarter tomorrow

Helicopter money is not far away now. Sounds great but the inflation will be unstoppable once it begins, millions will starve to death as a result. Gold will go no offer and simply be what it has always been, the most desirable form of money on earth.

Just hold on to your job with both hands.

I've been hanging out for this after yesterday's post. Thanks!

As a small fish, I'm really happy to have some steem to go with my silver!

I started buying gold , silver , and bitcoin a year ago, and I started pulling out of my long stock positions over the last six weeks. Will be looking to take short positions.
💋 @halo 💋

This just goes to show that even the phoney money lords of the banking system know where truly value lay: Not in fiat money that can be produced on a whim in an unlimited, but in a tangible, scarce resource such as gold. A resource man has used for over 6000 years to buy and trade for goods and services.

When's the "pop"? What's going to tip it over the edge?

This report mirrors much of what we're hearing. Crypto to the rescue!

There are 3 pages