
Jeff @dollarvigilante
One bizarre enigma I find myself wondering about is this Karen Hudes lawyer lady.
What's your opinion of her and her claims?
on her YT discussion page, in the top comments she recently said "...bitcoin was invented by Edmund JM Dunne, Head of The Royal Illuminati - The World Monarch. He wrote to me, "I am the owner of the creative copyright of a technology commonly referred to as Blockchain.
Mr. Dunne is now busy on writing the algorithms for the One World Currency and Debt Intermediation Tool"
Her website:
Some say she's a disinfo agent. If so, she fooled Prof Antal Fekete.
They claim yamashita's gold is being held for the global currency reset.
180,000 tons held in a few vaults, including artwork and royal gems, supposedly kept since the 1940s for all humanity.