Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama Has 14 Days To Start World War III

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Barack O’Bomber was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize before he even became President. And he hasn’t had one day of peace in his eight years.

And, he now has 14 days left and appears to be trying to foment World War III with his remaining opportunity.

Long ago O’Bomber accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, but didn't do anything to either justify or deserve it. More recently he’s actually done a lot to repudiate it.

In fact, according to an analysis done by the Council on Foreign Relations of Defense Department data, the U.S. dropped over 26,000 bombs in 2016 during Obama’s final year in office, that’s over 3,000 more than in 2015!

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the ousting of Viktor Yanujovych was followed by the ascension of Petro “Porky” Porochenko. Porky was a pro-Western puppet and moved Ukraine in a Westerly direction.

Vladimir Putin as a result, made overtures to a portion of southwestern Ukraine that was pro-Russian. In March, 2014, Russia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Crimea signed a treaty of accession of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in the Russian Federation.

This was just the beginning of more blatant challenges to Putin and his reign. Sanctions have been placed on Putin as challenges to him have become more overt, but no more rational.

The US seems to need an enemy and a sizeable part of the military industrial complex is supportive of the demonization of Russia as a demonstrable and necessary one. This demonization is being accompanied by a continued and escalating fighting in Syria where the US wants to remove Assad.

The removal of Assad would bring the West right up to the doorstep of Putin and make his position even worse vis a vis the West. It is being accompanied by serious allegations that the West and O’Bomber in particular have been supporting the anti-Assad terror group ISIS and may have even helped to found it.

Between aiding ISIS and supporting today’s Ukrainian regime, along with numerous past anti-Russian activities, O’Bomber has set the US up as an ongoing foe of a country that itself maintains no ongoing enmity toward the West.

Nonetheless, the US has gone out of its way to put considerable pressure on Putin, Russia and its activities. Most recently, O’Bomber has moved even closer to a direct confrontation. Lithuania has just confirmed the presence of US special forces saying the deployment is to “train local forces and act as a deterrent against Russian aggression.”

Furthermore, sometime during the spring of 2017, NATO will be sending battalions to the Baltic States and Poland as part of something called operation “Atlantic Resolve”. Even Great Britain will be shipping fighter jets and troops to the region.

It has been reported by the German Armed Forces Press and Information center that 3 US transport ships are expected to arrive in Bremerhaven in the first week of January, containing 2,500 pieces of cargo, trucks, combat vehicles, trailers and containers. Upon their arrival they will be transported to Poland by rail and military convoys by approximately January 20th. Just in time for Donald Trump’s inauguration.

One German newspaper called this arms stockpiling the largest US military redeployment operation in Germany since 1990 with more than 2000 jeeps and trucks expected to be deployed over the next 9 months.

According to statements made by the US army, 4000 additional troops and 2000 tanks will also be contributed to strengthen the alliance’s “defenses”.

Colonel Todd S Bertulis, deputy head of logistics of the Stuttgart military base in Germany, stated, the operation will “Ensure that the necessary combat power is brought to the right place in Europe at the right time.”

Another US military statement which came from Lieutenant Ben Hodges, the commanding general of US armed forces in Europe, was that three years after US tanks left the European continent “We [the United States] need to get them back.” He went on to tell journalists that these recent measures were in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as their “illegal” annexation of Crimea.

The natural question which arises as a result of all this is of course, what exactly are O’bomber and the globalist elites trying to incite in Eastern Europe? Are they actually trying to kick off World War III?

The answer is yes, of course. To revamp the cold war is to stoke the flames of the military industrial complex.

The trigger happy warmongers in the US government would love a direct confrontation with Russia and China - especially people like Senator Lindsey I-never-saw-a-war-I-didn’t-like Graham who stated in reference to Russia’s supposed interference in the US election, that we [the USSA] have to be ready to “throw rocks” and all Obama has done is “thrown a pebble”.

It is interesting how quickly the US propaganda apparatus has switched their boogey man from Al- Qaeda to ISIS and now to Russia for cold war 2.0 as it more aptly suits their agenda.

So with armaments being moved into strategic positions in Eastern Europe and hostile rhetoric being tossed around by trigger happy politicians who stand to benefit from the fostering of a major world war, it is important to keep in mind the financial ramifications of these possibilities.

Markets don’t like uncertainty and nothing sends mixed signals like the prospect of a war between superpowers.

That is why it is important to keep some of your assets outside the financial system in more secure alternatives such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies.

To learn more, join us this February in Acapulco, Mexico for the TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit. The timing of the summit couldn’t be better as a lot appears to be about to change in the world and you’ll need to stay one step ahead to survive and profit from it.

There are a number of geopolitical pieces in motion including Donald Trump who just came out with rhetoric to reign back the CIA… which is a whole other story in and of itself that we will cover here tomorrow.


I see you have abandoned the Jewish Conspiracies about economic collapse and you picked up War Armageddons. It seems that one cannot go wrong with tinfoil. Eventually, SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN

I see you have abandoned the Jewish Conspiracies about economic collapse

TBH, i felt like i was the only person on steemit that saw the pretty obvious (to me) antisemitic flavor of the whole "shemitiah" thing.

ha ha! I have missed your ROASTS so much!

I will continue to flag these posts as my conscience will not permit me to actively support an individual that has and continues to scam people out of money.

Politics/government is as relevant as WWF/WWE wrestling. They are both scripted and for-profit corporations.

I couldn't agree more, but the real tragedy is that this little drama has the power to divide a nation.

Only because we divide ourselves. Look at the tribalism at sporting events, an activity that has absolutely ZERO impact on someone's way of life.

Wrestling is more honest than politics.

Cold war 2.0 where the banksters are still running the show in the background for all to be living in the illusions they pay for! Grrrr!!! Thanks for the thoughts and stories. Namaste :)

i came to the same conclusion :( He's acting like he's not going anywhere. AT the very least stop the election, by saying it was hacked.

Well he just signed the document federalizing the elections.

NWO (and their puppets like Obama) are loosing their ground under their feet. They are quite desperate these days and thanks to God they were still unable to launch their wildest dreams they are preparing for decades. They are and will be still kicking like someone who cannot accept own defeat as their havoc day is postponed (again) to the future. Pray friends so this delay is as long as possible and destruction level diminished.

Russians hacked the Pentagon computers, subtly ordering USAF to drop more bombs! O'Bomber is innocent, he was always a man of peace.

krig är inte bra

Fortunately, we live in a topsy turvy world where the Russian President is a mature adult unlikely to be baited (tho' not impossible). Obama would face widespread - but sadly not unanimous - condemnation if he drew first blood, and moreover he wouldn't win such a battle (if, indeed, anyone would).

In the entire history of the world I can't think of one aggressor who has started a war with Russia and won. Fair point.

In the entire history of the world I can't think of one aggressor who has started a war with Russia and won. Fair point.


Fair point. The mongols did take Moscow.

The mongols did take Moscow.

this is true also, but i was thinking about 650 years after that. russo-japanese war

The late 19th century and very early 20th century, like from about 1890-1905 before the events that led (directly) up to WWI, there were a host of super interesting wars and conflicts that kind of got lost to mainstream history because they were overshadowed by WWI and WWII.

For example, did you know that in the late 19th century a western imperialist power annexed a country in Asia.

When the inhabitants of of that asian colony declared their independence, this western power brutally shelled them from a naval position, killing thousands.

That imperialist power then proceeded to fight a three year long, declared war with the colonists, that ended in the capture and execution of their leader, and the subjugation of the asian colony for almost 50 years.

The asian colony: The Philippines
The western imperial power: The United States Of America.

The war, called the Philippine-American War, was fought from 1899-1902. I would venture to guess that that most Americans don't know was a real thing, and don't know that the Philippines was an american colony from the turn of the century until WWII.

Well, I totally missed that one. I had to look it up. Somehow I'd never heard of that.

actually that is better than a fair point, it is an excellent point.... no winner scenario anyways if things go nuke. seems also it is more a monetary clash, only 3 countries in the world that are not run by Central Banking and Russia is one of them, anyone know the other two?

Nukes are not likely IMO. but not entirely off that table so long as nukes exist. Even the most deranged sociopath knows nukes bring it to your front door. These puppets in office want to be able to send young fit men off to die while they live in luxury and continue to pay back all those campaign "donations" to their defense contractor buddies in the form of another conventional war.

Conventional? What about unconventional such as...
taking out the water supply of an entire city (few days ago) and gosh you have created an entire new market, 5 million people looking for water

North Korea and Micronesia are the only two I know of...

How would you explain Obama's refusal to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons, despite the pressure from Congress? If your theory is right this would be the first thing Obama should do to escalate conflict with Russia..

How would you explain Obama's refusal to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons, despite the pressure from Congress? If your theory is right this would be the first thing Obama should do to escalate conflict with Russia..

Conflict comes from a disparity of power. Russia is stronger than Ukraine, from a military perspective. Strengthening Ukriane would make that disparity in power smaller, which would make the cost of aggression higher for Russia, which would make Russia more hesitant to enact such aggression.

I don't necessarily agree with TDVs conclusions about Obama's motivations. However, they are not inconsistent with his refusal to give lethal weapons to ukraine. In fact, that is exactly what one would do if one wished to escalate a conflict. Provoke the aggressor by supporting the weaker party with non-military aid and rhetoric. But refrain from providing lethal armaments and military aid to the weaker party, because doing so would act as a deterrent to aggression.