Gold Has Biggest One Day Rally Since Brexit As Elites Rush Into Gold

in #money8 years ago

The multi-day Brexit gold surge back in June was the biggest upward move since 2008 with gold rallying 4.5% the day after the vote. Yesterday, gold had its biggest one-day rally since, rising 1.6%.

This came on the back of Goldman Sachs revising its September rate hike odds down to 40% from it's previous 55% prediction just a few days earlier and the release of deteriorating manufacturing numbers.

This diminishing likelihood of a Federal Reserve rate hike has caused the dollar to fall to more than a one-week low against the Japanese yen and the euro.

As we've posted here, numerous big name billionaires, or in the case of Jacob Rothschild, a trillionaire, have been moving significant portions of their holdings into the yellow metal over the summer.

Lord Rothschild has increased his gold position while simultaneously decreasing his US dollar holdings by around 6%.

His timing is interesting given that the biggest shake-up in the world currency market in decades is set to happen on October 1st, the day before the end of the Jubilee Year, with the Chinese yuan being added into the IMF's SDR basket.

Rothschild recently said, in his semi-annual address to shareholders of RIT Capital Partners , " it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates."

He acts as though the consequences of low interest rates are unintentional, but artificially suppressed rates are deliberately being used to expand the money supply, keep bankrupt governments operating and are, in effect, siphoning wealth away from citizens through the hidden tax called inflation.

While the notional value of the Dow Jones has increased, if you look at the Dow/Gold ratio you'll notice a much starker image. The Dow, in gold terms, is down significantly since the start of the year.

The case for gold was made even stronger in Jackson Hole last week after Janet Yellen hinted that the Federal Reserve may follow in the footsteps of the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank by purchasing assets including equities directly in the marketplace. She suggested that future policy makers explore purchasing "a broader range of assets".

At the same conference Yellen was at, Christopher Sims of Princeton University said, "it may take a massive QE program, large enough even to shock taxpayers into a different, inflationary view of the future," to prevent an all-out collapse. Around the same time Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhardt said, "We’re entering a brave new world of central banking."

So, we now have billionaires, trillionaires, academia and the Federal Reserve all stating that we are in unchartered waters and anything that anything can possibly happen.

If you don't want to be "shocked into a different, inflationary view of the future" and want to hear more about what exactly is going on with precious metals, watch our most recent interview with Colin Kettell of Palisade Radio, who is very knowledgeable about the space.

You can watch the full interview here:

In a world where most tax slaves don't own gold, and retirement accounts are low hanging fruit for greedy governments to seize, many people are likely to get hurt. In fact it's been said that those who lose the least in the upcoming crash will do the best. Physical gold and related securities are the best insurance. Even gold backed or self directed IRA's are much safer than some of their alternatives.

As we mentioned in the video above, we have had amazing success over the past year with some of our speculative picks up over 1000% and our overall portfolio up 200%. If you want to join thousands of others who receive up to date information about these sorts of investments and who have prospered tremendously, you can get more information on the TDV newsletter here.

And remember to follow us at Steemit @dollarvigilante where our articles are always posted first.


Bitcoin next, then people will realize how old that is and hello altcoins.

Shit is about to get real.....

nicely put :)

As always another great article. Happy to share on Twitter and follow and read your posts. Cheers. Stephen

Another @dollarvigilante post pushing gold what a shocking surprise! The price goes up and he'll tell you to buy the price goes down and he'll tell it's an even better chance to buy. It's almost as if he makes money from promoting gold.

Don't forget to signup to his newsletter so he can tell you to buy gold in your email too.

Curious, but how does @dollarvigilante make money when I buy gold? Looked through his website and I couldn't find a storefront to buy gold. What am I missing?

Okay let me breakdown how this works. In this article there is a link to subscribe to his news letter on that landing page there is an ebook called 'Getting Your Gold Out of Dodge' he was previously peddling this ebook for the likes of $35 if memory serves me in one of his many previous posts prior to this.

If you visit the main homepage of his site you'll notice he offers all kinds of lovely services I'm sure one of those would be more than happy to help facilitate a gold purchase.

He is making money on selling services and information around gold and using selectively biased source material to prop up unfounded conspiracy theories and scare the shit out of people to get them to buy his useless services. He's doing it for the profit, plain and simple. He get's overpaid for posting this trash here with upvote bots then gets another pay day on the back end when people sign up for shit on his website.

He emanates the qualities of a sleazy con-artist, it should be setting off alarm bells for anyone who is level headed.

  1. Selling services is a legitimate business. If people want to buy information based on the knowledge he present in his articles - well that is free market capitalism. If people find value in his work, then they are free to spend money on it.

  2. The only person who can make you scared is yourself. He's not forcing anyone to be scared or to have any kind of emotion and he is definitely not forcing anyone to act on their un-evolved feelings. Im fact, if you are relying on your emotions to invest in gold, you probably shouldn't be investing at all. And definetly not based on information from only one source.

  3. Please provide proof of upvote bots that are favoring him over other authors. If that's true, then you should be posting articles in #abuse

1 & 2 You didn't really make a point counter to mine all you did was say it's not his fault if his intentional fear mongering causes fear. Also just because he's found a legitimate business does not remove the con-artist moniker or make his practices not sleazy.

Assassins and drug dealers are also apart of the free market that you praise so I'm not sure why you think that is a virtue. Just saying the words 'free market' doesn't make a point for you. So what if it's the free market? That wasn't the topic.

3 Are you serious? It's an open issue being addressed by the site developers. You should look into how the curation bots work. The bots aren't abuse either they are just voting in an optimal manner for gaining curation rewards. I didn't even say they were his bots they probably aren't.

You should reread what I wrote. All I did was label his posts as redundant fear mongering for personal gain. I then explained how he makes that gain. You didn't say anything on that topic.

@contentjunkie I think you misunderstood me a bit. A con-artist is someone who scams people into giving him their money without giving anything in return. This is not the case with @dollarvigilante as you have absolute freedom to believe his information and to buy his services or not. Free, voluntary market transaction by definition can not be a con or a scam.

Your emotions and your ability to comprehend information that is presented to you is on you. You can't really blame others for not doing your research.

In the case of the curation bots, you just stated yourself that this is a problem with the platform, not the authors, so then your original point is neither here nor there. This author brought in a lot of new members who are obviously happy with his services and are upvoting his content because it adds value to their life.

The real con is the Federal Reserve, not people who expose them.

I got the chillz all over realizing that we might be about to experience what we have all been predicting for a decade.

I wrote an article today about as many of the alarm bells as I could find off hand indicating we are at the threshold

I don't know if a collapse will happen this year already, but it is a fact that the current financial system is heading to a dead end. Printing money and raising dept can't go on forever.

I think IF the dollar collapse, bitcoin will be a much better asset to own than gold because people can use it to buy goods. Businesses will remark that they can remain selling goods ones they accept bitcoin and the bitcoin economy will boom.

If you want to buy something with your physic gold you will have to sell the whole unit for fiat, before you are able to purchase something. The rest of the value that you don't spend immediately will devalue quickly. Bitcoin is very dividable so you don't need fiat as medium of exchange.

Get ready's been a long time coming, but we are getting closer to a collapse.

If the entire system collapses what good is gold? Gold only works if there are massive shocks, not an outright collapse...

Another question you can ask is:

In places like Greece or Venezuela where so many can't even feed themselves, can you still get food and basic necessities if you own gold and silver?

The real question isn't gold vs food but gold vs fiat and other centrally managed paper assets with a high counter-party risk. Obviously you aren't going to be able to eat gold, so if you are worried that things could get as bad as a severe disruption of the food supply, you should stock up on food. But to be realistic, who is going to be spending their whole wealth on bags of rice, sugar and flour that are going to expire and aren't liquid assets that can be easily sold back if things take longer to fail or don't really quite fail that badly as expected after all?

Here, and everywhere where the question of what asset to hold in crisis times is being asked, it's assumed that basic necessities as food, water, shelter, autonomous energy sources and physical security are already in order.

The real question is where to invest the remaining wealth in such a way as to have a reasonable chance of maintaining control over one's wealth when governments and banksters come looting, of evading capital controls when they hit and of conserving some buying power in the future when economy has sufficiently recovered and people start trading again. What form of wealth can reasonably be carried around concealed? What will have value when the world resumes trading after a total collapse and a decade of depression ponctuated by civil wars and starvation. What will be considered to have value in the future and can be kept hidden for any amount of time? What will other rational and forward looking people in these dark times consider as something possibly credible and valuable enough (in the future) to accept it in the course of bartering?

Gold and other precious metals is the obvious answer. Gold has been accepted as a form of money for thousands of years, since the very dawn of mankind. Gold can't be destroyed. It can't be diluted. It can't be inflated away. It's fungible and infinitely divisible. It can be trivially quantified with elementary tools or even with no tools at all. It doesn't oxidate. It can be melt at temperatures that are easily achievable with rudimentary means. It can be easily shaped to take any form. It can be minted into coins. It is very rare. It is easy to recognize and there are no other elements that even remotely look alike and could be mistaken for it. It is one of the densest element that is naturally available, which again makes it very difficult to fake. It's detection and extraction is very costly, and involves an important amount of human labor, even more so in a situation where technology has regressed, which means that it is and always will be a good almost direct proxy for human work and sacrificed life time which is the most valuable thing in the whole universe and underlies the meaning of value itself: gold cannot possibly be worth less than the value of the time and effort spent to procure and extract it, which is already pretty high. And last but not least: it is attractive.

You may take my last statement as something superficial and cosmetic, but think about it again. We are the product of millions of years of evolution. Our sense of attraction has been honed to lead us to what we need to survive. Attraction is the central principle of survival, it underlies reproduction, feeding, nesting, migration. It is our primitive mental compass, the very phenomenon that led us to the absolute domination of our ecosystem.

Among hundreds of elements of the periodic table, gold is the one element that the human mind considers as possibly the most irresistibly attractive. This could be completly arbitrary as there could be a much deeper reason to it that we don't understand. But regardless of the reason, what really matters is the fact that this attraction is common to our entire species with very little exceptions, which means that should any physical substance ever be used again as a form of money, the odds that this would be gold are ridiculously high.

Dollar cost averaging into gold is always a great practice with no long term risk. None long term in my opinion.

I've repeatedly heard you say "It's called programming for a reason" in your videos. I wanted to thank you for being so diligent about that.

Noooo!! I've aquired as much metal as I can reasonably afford over the past few years but I need more time to stack more!!!

Bad but exciting times ahead. Let's surf the waves the best we can.

just the beginning

oh. sweet.... Odin.
welp, guess we better hold on tight!

Excellent info, thanks! I still think Lord Jacob is really as clueless as Janet Yellen, but who knows...
Consider Hayeks explanation for such behavior (from his Nobel price speech):

"It seems to me that this failure of the economists to guide policy more successfully is closely connected with their propensity to imitate as closely as possible the procedures of the brilliantly successful physical sciences – an attempt which in our field may lead to outright error. It is an approach which has come to be described as the “scientistic” attitude – an attitude which, as I defined it some thirty years ago, ‘is decidedly unscientific in the true sense of the word, since it involves a mechanical and uncritical application of habits of thought to fields different from those in which they have been formed.'”

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

As per usual, great information and a big thank you for your sharing, namaste :)

Glad to have held through the last dip.

Another great post. Thank you.

Jeff Love the dow to gold chart. Tells the right story.

Sorry forgot Buy Dash

Great article. Now if the gold-to-silver ratio would correct, that would be good.

I love goooooold. Make sure to save some for you faja lol. Great info on why the next gold rush is coming.

It just shows how much related bitcoin is to gold as well. Gold surges so does bitcoin. I hope they keep going up continually

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I know conventional markets are much slower and regulated but 4.5% is so boring to me, though the returns on the gold mining stocks sounds amazing I didn't know about them till I saw your interview.

I once had a gold mine, and I can assure you that the procedure is to dig out the gold, and the gold you get afterwards has a price that is based on the spot price on the world market. If you want to buy and sell physical gold, contact, they will store it for you or you can have it delivered.