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RE: My Lions! The VIX Hits Decade Low.. So, Is It Time To Go? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Thoughts and comments on the Market

Any comment on the divergence we are seeing between the S&P with FANG stocks and the S&P sans FANG stocks. From the outside looking in this seems like a conspiracy of the FED to merely pour society's money into the pockets of the super super rich. This is not a case of a rising tide lifting all boats, the rest of the S&P is DECLINING.

Bond market still nervous. Bill Gross coming out and making a warning about stocks being overpriced in fact almost all asset classes overpriced in his opinion. What are people's views on Gross, is he somehow another FED mouth piece? Is he honest? Is he deceptive? Has he warned the public before and was he proven correct or false? What's his trackrecord?

Gold taken yet another beating, 40 tonnes sold short to tip the market into bear mode, why doesn't another bigger bank every take the other side of these trades, do the banks have a code not to compete with each other?

Are cryptos an ally to gold, another front for the banking cartels that short the market and the FED elites that keep the USD the reserve currency king, can cryptos help gold and silver break free? If so how, why and when?