PHOTOSTORY! | Hard Work, Reward Centers and Tale of the $10.74 Pint...

in #money7 years ago (edited)

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I’m going to share something I’m REALLY awful at with you. If I think about it, it may be one of my biggest failings and the reason why I have a tough time staying content, present and why I worry far more than I’d like to admit. Maybe talking about it and telling you the story of the nearly $11 pint will help me, (and possibly you) work through it.

Here it goes…

I’m completely TERRIBLE at reflecting on, or even acknowledging my accomplishments. Like, really bad. You may be thinking, “Why is that such a big deal? Keeping your head down keeps you humble.” - and to an extent, I totally agree, but not taking time out to appreciate your wins and your progression as a person, really hurts in the long run.


Here’s an example. For the past two weeks I had done so many hours for a client that I had to request a higher hours cap for the week. This was in addition to my regular work with another big client, my Voice Over work, daily steemit blogging, trying my hand (or more appropriately arms) at being an arm knitter, daily yoga challenge-ing AND trying to firm up a deal with the first client for a monthly retainer addition to my hourlies.

Bitcoin and SBD are soaring, and although I don’t have a huge amount of either, I’m up on my initial investment and feel like a lot of things are heading in the right direction for the New Year. In spite of all that, I’ve been feeling kinda down about my progress…

This morning, @teamhumble threw down a little challenge to remix a photothat he took yesterday and I really couldn’t resist meemifying it…

If you’re following my daily #YogaChallenge posts you may have noticed that I started yesterday feeling quite discouraged about not finishing the class 100%. Also, it’s been cold which makes it tough to go for those extra little walks and excursions during the week to get your steps in.


I blogged my little update from the bus, and after we got into town and had breakfast and coffees we began our excursions around the area, we checked out what was going on in some shops, I was able to pick up a package from our local Amazon locker Barry, and we even stopped by Mini Mouser’s school play (which was ridiculously cute btw).

By the end of the day we had walked nearly 8 miles….

And even with my 10 minutes-less yoga I had done 162 active aerobic minutes for the day.

This is a perfect illustration of my point about not focusing on the micro fails when you’ve really been winning on the macro scale! Yesterday was an AWESOME day in terms of fitness, but I let my obsession over that silly 10 minutes make me feel like I had failed.

After the play, Mr. Internet and I headed to a pub I’m really starting to love called The Dog (yes they allow dogs inside, and yes it’s perfect). We enjoyed a lovely pint together and when it was time for #2 I asked the pink-haired girl tending bar about one of the taps that caught my eye…

You read right, a Mango Lassi beer. I was SHOCKED. You may know about my mango obsession, at the farmer’s market nearby in the states I was buying them by the BOX and having one a day for breakfast. Mango Lassis are an obvious favorite as well, especially after some extra spicy Byriani and Samosas, so I asked the bartender what it was all about and she offered me sample.

@teamhumble can corroborate this next bit… this stuff rewrote my tastebud code. It was ice cold, cloudy, strong, mango-ey and somehow creamy. He took a sip of my little sample and the expression on his face assured me I wasn’t alone…

So I went for it. And yes a pint was £8.00 UK EARTH POUNDS. Nearly $11.00 USD, and yes I savored and enjoyed every damn sip of it.

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A great beer a the end of a long day, following a super hard-working few weeks mixed with fabulous company and the occasional doggo… you better believe I was in heaven…

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So with that said, here’s to taking time out to enjoy the mango flavored fruits of your hard work once and awhile. Here’s to taking time out and to being a little easier on ourselves when it comes to our shortcomings. The NET of your efforts is always more than the little setbacks.

Be kind to yourselves this holiday season friends,
I’m certainly going to do my best to do so…



What’s really interesting to me the most about this post now 21 hours after it is that it’s nearly made back the price of the experience — let’s think about that for a moment. Companies pay potential customers (or existing) to go and enjoy an experience in a bar, club, event, product launch. .. the customer writes a blog review, the company then pays out for the content via a blockchain ledger system — they get content and things they can promote and you get funded for covering the initial experience. End to end advocacy. I kinda love that. Who’s gonna be the first craft beer company using the blockchain in this way? :)

I may be a bit biased but at this point, I'm really hoping it's Northern Monk! ;)

now that's a sodding good blogpost. love the way you led my eye with that lovely photo of the window and then that REDIC remix of the photo, oh and i love the photo of me on the steps. great work love, now i know what you were tapping away at for the last few hours. super nice.

haha thanks biza! it did take longer than I had expected, i'm glad you thought it was worth it though, I do too <3

I share the same guilty feeling, but I relate this with the fact I want to rule everything, have everything under my control, and I've been learning it's not like that and doing 1% of the whole thing it still something. So take a deep breath! Either you do lots or just a little, you are working it out. When you feel you can give your best, give your best, when you feel you can give just enough, give just enough. In the rest of the time, appreciate yourself, you are such a special human being, you are beyond your believes!

And btw, I need to try this beer!


Thank you thank you @bkdbkd for the lovely words of encouragement. I am SO SO hard on myself. I need to remember to treat myself the way I'd treat someone I care about and have a little PATIENCE! I'm Awful at the patience part too haha

Thank you for being such a great friend <3

AND YES! Try to get your hands on it. It's sooo good

This is so accurate!

Hhaha! we've been giggling over it all morning ;)

Forget the gym and yoga! I want that beer! Learn to be a bit kinder to yourself. You are a special person. Remember that.

Why do you think I'm working so hard in yoga! So I don't have to go to the gym (one of the worst places on earth in my opinion). I'd rather be out in nature among the trees and creatures and get my exercise that way anyway. ;)

As soon as it warms up I'll be unrolling the mat outside for SURE!

<3 Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, I'm trying my best to remember daily, and act on it!

I love this post! I love that you're into so many different things too! Looking forward to reading your previous ones when I get the time!

Thanks so much @katinawatkins ! If you scroll down far enough there are a bunch that I recorded as audiobooks too- I know i'm not the only one short on reading time nowadays.

Super appreciate the kind words <3!

I 💜 everything about this post!!
Yes, stop and celebrate yourself!
Yes, treat yourself to magic mango lassi beer!
Yes, make more accurate memes like this!

Haha this is the best assignment I've ever gotten! More meems, nicer to self, and more beer! Got it! <3

Great reminder <3

I think I wrote it as much for myself as I did for anyone else 💕 thanks for reading and resteeming @amyinautumn - means a lot!