The UK now has a second `currency` circulating (Part 1)!

in #money6 years ago
  • It is made entirely of a precious metal called Silver

  • Only one (1) certain (privileged) group of people can/ are allowed to possess it and use it

  • It states on the coin..... LET THE MARKET BE FREE FROM UNJUST TAXES

  • On it`s reverse side it has a picture of the British Isles

  • The majority of the UK population won`t ever be using it (EVER)

  • It isn`t debt-based like the £UK is

  • Due to it being made from Silver immediately makes it superior to the £UK as the Bank Of England make their currency
    from cheap base metals:

    1p and 2p pieces used to be bronze but are now copper-plated steel and the other coins are alloys (a mixture of two or more different metals). 5p, 10p and 50p pieces are made up of 75% copper and 25% nickel and a pound coin is 70% copper, 5.5% nickel and 24.5% zinc.

    For those of you that buy physical Silver (and Gold, and Cryptos - Bitcoin etc.) for two (2) specific reasons (one of which is yet to arrive) like I do, realise the significance (and present/ future threat) of all this.

    Below is a picture of this (now circulating) UK currency:

UK Currency.jpg

It is called..... the Islamic Silver Dirham

It is created by the World Islamic Mint at a finesse of 99.9% pure Silver and is only allowed to be possessed and used by those of the Islamic Faith/ Islamic Community within the UK.. Now for those of you that understand the current monetary system probably know that FIAT Currencies (£UK, $US, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen etc. etc. etc.) are continually getting closer to a value of zero/ worthless. For example - The $US has now dropped below 4% of it`s original purchasing power (3.99% to be exact)! The more Central Banks print/ create their FIAT Currency:

The less scarce their currency becomes (Scarcity is very important for value to be maintained)
Every new £UK created steals value from every other £UK in existence and the exact same law applies to the $US,
Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen etc. etc. etc. - Have you heard of the phrase Quantitative Easing? - It means
mass printing of currencies
Lack of scarcity = Less value and less purchasing power (for those that hold that currency/ currencies)

The difference between currency and money:
Money is a store of value and therefore Gold and Silver are money whereas the £UK, $US, Euro etc. etc. etc. are ascam in which we have been brainwashed into thinking that FIAT Currencies (currencies) are Money..... BUT, they are not! You would think (rationally) that schools and further education establishments would want to teach their pupils/ students about this but there is a very good (and Selfish) reason why they dont! They dont actually want you thinking for yourself and GOVs/ Authorities certainly dont want you doing that as it threatens their power, control and the worrying fact (to them) that they lose power and get voted out! They cant be having that threat occur..... but it is OK to have a second currency circulating within the borders of a country that they supposedly run/ have control over?????..... Something ain`t sitting right, within me!

In part 2 we will be talking about how the history of currency gets diluted over time (losing its purchasing power and value) due to thegreed` of those that control the currency supply.
