in #money7 years ago

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So my question to you guys today is…

Have you ever you posted something you thought was really valuable to others on Facebook? Or posted something that you’re passionate about and you thought it might get a lot of likes/comments but you got maybe like 2 or 3 (one being your mom)?

You’re wondering… what in the world am I doing wrong?

Why is this “Broski” getting a hundred likes on every post and I am getting like 3!!?

Even though you are posting the similar content!!?

That’s why you’re here.

I want to share with you all exactly how I’ve been able to generate unlimited traffic and leads to my social media pages. I’m also going to share with you what to post.

I meet a lot of people who just don’t know what to post, when the post, how to get people to like their stuff…

Here we go: Tip #1

If you are posting quality information/value out there and you don’t know why no one’s engaging…

It’s because you don’t have a specific target audience.

That’s one of the most essential fundamentals I can share with you.

It’s kind of like if I were in the death metal band… and I showed up to a country concert and started playing…how would those people react?

This is what most of your social media pages look like to your friends list!!

Those People are wanting/like Country music!

So if you want more engagement..

Start befriending people who would like “death metal” (for example)

Can you see how this TOTALLY applies to your Network Marketing business on Social Media as well?

You’re singing your amazing songs to the wrong audience and that is why no one is liking your content.

But that leads me to something else I wanted to discuss..

TIP #2

If you don’t have the right audience, you have to start asking yourself..

Where does my audience hang out?

Where can I find people who will find my content valuable?

I’ll give you a secret, one of my favorite places to go are group pages on Facebook.

Group pages are great! You can find any group you’d like really…

With THOUSANDS of people in them…

Vegan groups…nutrition and wellness groups..traveling groups…

You can become friends/build relationships with people in the groups who have similar interests and appreciate what you’re passionate about and you can provide whatever value they’re open to to them.

If you guys are sharing health-related tips on Facebook and you want engagement…you need friends who are actually health-conscious/passionate about health. Not people working at McDonald’s and I mean no offense to those who do.

Having a specific target audience is crucial.

TIP #3

Be very specific with your “avatar” of who you are looking for.

What do they do for fun, what do they wear, male or female, age, what’s their occupation, etc.. if you are in traveling or trading..find people who are into those things.

One of my favorite places to go to find people to connect with.. are very inspirational leaders pages..

I’ll go to Ray Higdon’s page, I’ll go to Eric Worre’s page, I’ll go to Tony Robbins page and the reason why… is because it’s groups of people who are all passionate about things that i’m passionate about..those friends that I want to have.

TIP #4

if you do not know what to post… it doesn’t matter who’s watching/listening.

I mentioned a few times now the word “value”..

What is value? Well value in my opinion is nothing more than simply giving away information that would really help someone be better or or transform their life. Things of value are solving people’s “problems”.

It may transform their relationships or their mindset…that’s benefiting the world.

You sharing the knowledge that you’ve obtained.

A lot of people have problems… lots of people have some s*** that they went through. Whatever it might be, I’m not saying it was easy but check it…

Instead of playing the victim…Try this on for a perspective.

Your problems are your gift to actually be able to make a difference in the world and live the life that you want by helping others get through what you’ve been through.

How you actually broke free!!

People love to hear Rags to Riches stories… I don’t know anyone who likes rags to rags or riches to riches stories.

TIP #5

I’m going to share with you guys the key ingredient to posting awesome content..

If you are in Network Marketing, direct sales, MLM… and you want to find good content..Take a look at what other people in BUSINESS are talking about.

If you’re in health and wellness.. next time you’re at the grocery take a look at the magazines that are in the front row right as your checking out.

Believe it or not they pay a lot of money for you to see those magazines right there…why don’t you read the headlines and see what people are talking about?

You might have a topic that’s not just an idea but the hottest trends that you can talk about and provide value to people.

Another example.. if you guys want to find a cool place to find inspirational quotes, go to Instagram or even just Google and type in entrepreneurs in the search bar.. click images and what you’ll find are just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of quotes and great content. Just make sure to give credit when it is due.

ANOTHER GREAT WAY to share awesome content is to take notes from books you are reading and share what you learn from the books you read!

TIP #6

You can provide so much value to your marketplace without posting anything about your company or opportunity.

I’m awake to this now but if you guys are still putting your company’s products on blast or if you’re still marketing your company instead of yourself and the value that YOU have to offer the world.. you are going to have a tough time standing out.

That doesn’t mean you don’t love your company..

By branding yourself you are actually doing the best thing ever for your NM company in my opinion.

Because that is how you are going to create your success with the company. ^^

But hey we’ll leave that discussion for another day..

Hope you found some value in this! If you have any questions, let’s connect!


Nice job on this post! I have written some articles on SEO that may interest you.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman

Thank you!! 🙏🏻✨

another blog full of value. you are killin' it ;)

Thanks!! ☺️