“Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.”
- 1 Chronicles 12:32
Men, Don't Fail Your Family...!
I often spend many hours and multiple days to research, write, and cross-reference an article. This is different; it's too urgent for that, so this post will be short and sweet. Please take a few minutes to read, seriously consider, and take effective action on this.🙏🏻
WAKE UP! (source)
Know The Times!
by Duncan Cary Palmer
Just last night in our ecclesia (ἐκκλησία, the church) Men's Group, I was admonished to shelter my wife from the tendency all women have to be fearful.
Are you actually protecting your wife from financial disaster? This is an ultimately vital issue that we almost never hear about from the pulpit...😢
Please watch this short trailer:
Before today, I had never heard of David Rogers Webb, had you?
Yet, his presentation offers very credible evidence that we are all in imminent danger because of "laws" stealthily passed by the PTSB (Powers That Shouldn't Be).
EVEN if you are "RICH,"
(or think that you are) Brother, this will affect YOU.
And so then—rich or poor—if you have any concern for the well-being of your family, you will watch the full video and read the FREE book (free PDF download HERE).
NOTE* If you are short of time, I strongly suggest that you read the "Conclusion" chapter first.
One of the clearest indicators of this man's credibility is that he is giving away this book, a book that I otherwise would very likely have gladly purchased.
NOTE: Though I don't completely agree
with all of his conclusions, Webb has written enough of abundant value and concern here; please don't ignore it!
Here's another independent endorsing voice, including some practical advice...
And here's another discussion endorsing and amplifying the book:
Finally, as a supplement,
here is a diatribe from legalman, certain to annoy (if not infuriate) all of you "Constitutional Conservatives" out there:
We "have to haVe somEthinG" for govt
I'm throwing it into "the mix" of this article in the (perhaps PolyAnna) hope of disabusing you of your utterly misplaced faith in the "government" that you are so enamored of. That government, the US government, the nation-state called "America," is in all truth just another one of the fiefdoms of satan. The sooner you realize and accept that reality, the better off you and your family will be.
Brothers, GET A CLUE !!!
Whether you liked or hated that podcast, here's a bit more from legalman that I pray will wake you up:
This is unusual.
I'm not usually inclined to just "toss off" a post like this, but I've made an exception today. I hope it's been effective.
Please reach out to me, either in the comments below, or through any other channel by which you know how to reach me. I want to encourage you to TAKE ACTION on this. As you may already know, the MOST EFFECTIVE ACTION you can take is to move your savings into bitcoin.
Talk to me.
I really want to help you.
NOTE: Most of my posts contain hyperlinks to enlightening information.
ALL IMAGES are my own, open source, or used with permission.

I would love to hear from you; please join Hive and speak your mind below!
I did watch this entire documentary and downloaded the pdf. This guy knows what's going on and he is wise to be out of the system, in rural Switzerland. It's frustrating to know the train is coming, wise enough to get off the tracks, but still feels a certain "dread" as we hear the whistle in the distance. No matter how we are positioned, with wealth, with skill, far from the cities, everyone will be affected.
Thank you for sounding the alarm, this doc has been swirling around in my head the last few days. Our only saviour is the Lord, Messiah. He will take rightful ownership of this system at some point, but for now it's run by the adversary of our souls, desiring nothing but our enslavement. An exodus of extra-biblical proportions is coming, if we are able to overcome and stand firm.
Hello Friend!
Thanks for reading and responding. Yes, this fellow sounds like "the real deal" to me... I can only hope all of the folks I care about will open their eyes and take action. And yes, I agree, this will not be fun.

I support diversity in investments. Crypto, bullion, durable goods, barter items, stocks in businesses less intertwined with the State. I have long advocated building community as a key for preparedness, whether for winter storms or a major economic collapse and anything in between. And I am saddened by how many men I see have no interest in preparing to care for their families. I have a family member who fell for a loser sperm doner who wanted easy sex but offers no support and has no concern for the consequences of his conquest. Women, don't forget you have a role to play in choosing strong, serious partners.
Hi, Jacob,
As am I...and so sorry to hear about your family member.
Thanks for reading and responding! Blessings!