Minimalism and and happiness

in #money7 years ago

I want to talk about the subject of Minimalism. I suffer from depression and I lately have been the most depressed that I have been. I am working so much that I have not enjoyed my life. Feeling robotic and much like a slave, I needed change.Working 6-7 days a week, I don’t get to see family or friends much. Photography has become a job and less of something I enjoy anymore. I started asking myself , “ what was the point of all of this”. I have always been a minimalist but I still have so much clutter to get rid of. To deal with depression I started to focus on things I could change in my environment so I started to clean and throw away things I didn’t use. When I say “Throw away”, I mean donate or give away. Throwing things away when someone else can use them is so silly. Cleaning my home was like cleaning my mind. I started to feel better instantly. It is so true that your environment is an extension of your mind. I live with one other person and we used to have piles of dishes that stacked up in the sink. How is that possible? We rarely have people over so those dishes are just ours. We keep using clean dishes instead of washing the dirty ones right away. Two people don’t need 20 forks and spoons! At one point the American dream was what everyone wanted… or so they thought. HAVE A BIG HOUSE AND LOTS OF STUFF to be happy. Stuff doesn’t make you happy but it controls you. You have to maintain and take care of your stuff.
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When I was 17 years old, I packed a giant pink suitcase with clothes and bathroom items, tossed it in my two door Saturn and moved to Minneapolis. I lived out of that suitcase for two months until I found a place to live and went to college. In college, I ended up having to move out of my apartment because I chose some bad roommates. I lived in my two door Saturn with my suitcase full of stuff again. It was winter in Minnesota and I would sleep in the back of my car in a army sleeping bag. Most people I told this to or who are reading this might think that this sounds terrible. I had a job, I went to school, and I had friends who I could stay with. I had money to pay rent but it was hard for me to get a place to live right away. I had so much fun and was so happy at that point in my life. I would go to the gym to workout, shower, brush my teeth, and get ready and then go to work , or school, or if it was my day off I would drive to the ski hill and go snowboard all day. I didn’t sit around and be lazy, I was always doing what I loved. Eventually, my parents found out that I was doing this and made me move into their friends basement. I had all the things I needed right there in my two door Saturn.

There was a study that I read years ago that they concluded that when someone can not pay their bills that causes them depression. Making money beyond meeting your financial needs does not bring any more happiness. Another thing that can cause depression are items that remind you of points in your life. You should let go of those memories and the items that remind you of them. You should only surround yourself with things you use and that bring you joy.

Two years ago, I had a messy divorce and my partner and I had a storage locker full of our things and he took all of them and sold them. At one point, I had a house full of things, furniture, kitchen supplies, and clothes. I then moved and rented a room so I had one bedroom with a desk, and my camera. I ended up buying a futon to sleep on at night and made it a couch for an office during the day. I used to have two bedrooms, and a spacious office but I was now living in a room that was converted to a bedroom and office. It was nice to have everything I needed right there again. I went further and I got rid of the items that reminded me of my relationship. It helped me get over the hard time. I have to think back at how much money I spent on all of that stuff that I didn’t need. I could have traveled or saved it for something else.

Another thing that goes with that subject is how you spend your money. I am not rich. I used to nanny for a very rich family and they had a multi- million dollar home, four car garage, pool, boat, and a vacation home in Key West. They were a nice family of mom, dad, and two children. The father one day got upset because the mother had spent $20 at Target and that was over budget. I got to hear a lot of conversations between them as their nanny. They had a tight spending budget because all of their things cost so much money to maintain. At the end of the day we had the same amount of spending money. I didn’t have all the luxury items though. They spent so much time and money maintaining these items and they only went to their vacation home once a year or on their boat a handful of times. They were mostly gone at work while I got to enjoy their children (who were great!). It made me think about what is worth working for. I know that I would rather spend time with my children and watch them grow rather than work to own these things that I rarely enjoy. It isn't how much you make, it’s how you spend your money.

So many people are becoming more aware of destroying the idea of “The American dream” and becoming a minimalist. Check out the website two friends talk about their journey and how to become less to be more.

Thanks for reading Steemiters! I would love to hear about your thoughts and opinions about clutter and then mind.


Personally I'm obsessed with Minimalism
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Me too. More freedom.

If one is poor, but has an upward trajectory, one will feel just as good (better even!) than the richest guy in the world.
A simple life is a life with less worries and hangups. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed this!

Extra stuff around the home is like extra weight on the body. The fatter you get the more depressed and trapped you feel. But just like how weight sneaks up on you and you say "what happened?" is how our lives fill with clutter and it makes us depressed. So good job in taking steps to break free.

Great comparison! Always be mindful of what you put into your body-- or life.

Hey @britleigh, My wife and I are trying to do the same thing. We have 4 plates, 4 bowls, 4 forks, 4 spoons, 4 glasses. That way there is not a pile of dishes sitting there. It is much easier to wash the food off right when you are done instead of letting it get all hard and become cement on a plate and then you are wasting even more water trying to get it off. Another thing we do is have a 5 gallon bucket in the shower and when we go to take a shower and warm up the water we fill the bucket in the process and then give our animals and plants outside the water. It saves some money or at least some water. We also do not go out to eat. For one time going out to eat to a resturant, you could almost eat for a week if you shop for food correctly. No fake chips or junk food. We try to get vegi's and meat. Bread is kinda junky too but we do get some here and there for soups and what not.

Thanks britleigh

Wow, the water in the shower is so cool. I want to try that. I agree with eating out. I am a waitress and I find myself eating at work a lot. I need to meal prep and take it with me to work so that I don't eat garbage all the time. Thank you for the great reply.

Becoming a minimalist has been my goal for the past few weeks...I'm at a point where I'm throwing everything I have away and keeping 10 of everything I have. I'll probably even drop that down to 5 of everything if I see the need.

This post is timely for me.

Great read!

I am now doing the hardest thing for me which is slimming down my closet. I do not need so many clothes! The 33 rule -- 33 items to use in different ways.
Thanks for the comment!

I camped out for 8 weekends in a row once to declutter my mind. Glad you're good.

Camping is so nice too. Connect with nature is so important. Thanks for the comment. <3

I think I saw the same documentary. It was great! I think your right about this. I've moved many times and every time I did I got rid of more things and it made me happier. I also felt like it was easier to be thankful for the things I did have and I stopped worrying about what I didn't have.

There is a document on Netflix right now about it. I hope it helps touch more people.

More money, more problems

To put it simply. Yes :)

Great job. That is so awesome. You are thinking way light years ahead of most people. To wake up to this whole system of enslavement is a good feeling. Old thinking is not the way anymore. New thinking is a good thing in life.
Congrats on the new way of life. Minimalist way of life!

Thanks for the share

Thank you! I am excited to be happy and have a new focus on things that I love.

Thanks for the upvote

minimalism works. Less work or involvement works.
Use freetime in isolated place like park, river bank, mountain works.
To feel innerworld and to make your own personal life.
This is my experience of life.

connecting to nature is important too. Thanks for the comment :)

Great post. I've been thinking about moving to a cheaper country and just retiring now

following your dreams are important. Down sizing can help you get there.

Thanks for write this. Very useful, I think sometimes we buy something we don´t need to impress people who doesn´t care with money that we don´t have.

We can be happy with minimalism.

Minimalism is the way to go! No need to get bogged down by stuff you never needed in the first place

I've been dealing with depression my whole life and having many of the same feelings as you do. I started being a minimalist without even knowing honestly. I was sick of making more money at jobs and then to have nothing left after buying stuff I won't use. I also feel its silly for you to just throw things away when others could have used it. Had roommates are some of the worst wasters. Wouldn't buy hundreds of dollars of grocery and would end up throw 80% of I think away. My mother clean the wealthy people's homes and nannied heir children. She also mentioned like you did that their budget seemed as tight as ours. My father would buy some much stuff and never used it. He was like a dragon who guarded his gold and would breath fire on us if you we played with those things. He could've been on horders, just a total waste. He isn't now dieinand refuses to try sell anything but instead to buy more. Ones trash is someone's treasure. I lived in my mazda 323 1990 when I was 17, like you did in your Saturn. I too didn't mind it at all actually it was some of the best times. Now I live in a room where I can look around it and could do away with most, though there's not much now I be reducing my materialistic tendency. Minimalism is good. I've been working on my health and relearning how to be happy. Eating right is very important. I been fasting and meditateing. I found steemit and now I found you. New follow and resteemed his post btw. I really feel I needed to read your story and vicariously live through your experience. Really brought back some memories I thought I had lost. I wish you happiness. Love RMars

Thank you for the wonderful reply. Freedom is what you make of it and sometimes you have to step out of the mindset of what society tells you to be. You do not need stuff to be someone. I do like my car because wheels are freedom to me. I like to move and not stay put and that to me means so much more. I am glad I have steemit so I can connect with others who feel the same. Cheers.

"The greatest wealth is the poverty of desires." — Seneca. I just quit my job and trying to get rid of everything that makes my soul poor.

How is that going for you?

I enjoyed reading your article very much. You are a good writer. Thank you.

thank you for the comment

Minimalism is promotion of Powerty and Ben of private property .

The minimalist are great. I've been following then for a bit now.

My wife and I will be moving out of our apartment and into our car camper in just about a week! Getting rid of stuff has been at huge hurdle but a huge blessing, too.

Ahhh that is so great. That is my dream. I would love to hear about your adventure. Will you be posting it on Steemit?

so how's your life now ?

My life is getting better. One step at a time... first remove clutter and now I can focus on things I love like making music, writing, and spending time with loved ones. It all starts with your environment.

i am still unable to understand the meanings of minimalism depsite of reading complete article... would you guide me in simple words.

Owning less material things. Only having things that you use. Check this website out

thank you very much

Throwing things away when someone else can use them is so silly. Thanks for teaching me on this

I have been lucky to get second hand items from people and I try to do the same

now days it's so hard to be happy

fast pace and work work work lifestyles are hard. "What are we then if we have the consistent obligation to make ourselves what we are if our mode of being is having the obligation to be what we are?"

Thanks for reply, Life is not fair

I love your idea of being happy with the minimum. I see myself as a minimalist, having only the necessities and continuously re-evaluating my earthy possessions, eager to get rid of unnecessary items. But perhaps I am a minimalist only because I don't have enough money to spend on anything but the essential. Who knows? If one is lucky enough to earn a high income, of course, one has to spend that money on something worthwhile, like a second home at the coast.

Your life as 17th-year old in a car sounds wonderful, but I am afraid you would have been murdered, or at least seriously injured, if you were living in South Africa.

I always am grateful that nothing was just handed to me because I have to think more and be creative with what I do. I make a lot of my own things. I almost never buy new clothes. As far as South Africa, you are right-- we sit comfortably here in America to where that can happen. Given that I lived in South Africa, I would probably be a completely different person.

Great article! I couldn't agree more about getting rid (or giving away) what I don't need. If I don't need it, it usually just takes up space. Besides, life can get so crazy sometimes that's it's better not to worry about having to pay for or maintain some big, expensive, and sometimes completely unnecessary things.

Thank you for the comment. I agree. Freedom is key.

Nice article. I am continually trying to get rid of stuff. I want to have more time to do what I want to do and not be bothered with all the up keep.

thank you.

These are things I have struggled with, depression and being a pack-rat. I am at the stage in my life where I know I want to live a full life, not work myself to death to maintain 'things' that ultimately have no real value or importance in the long run. I commend you for your honesty. It was so hard for me to speak of it and even harder to push free of the materialistic mindset we are taught in this society-run my advertising agencies. My goal is to have great life experiences, not a lot of stuff...though I have to admit, I still struggle with not falling back into that old mindset. It's not easier and it certainly not cheaper, but it just seems that way. Ironically finding out about growing your own heirloom vegetables was my starting point :-) Good food, good people, good times!

Thank you for the comment. I would love to start growing vegetables. Anything that brings me back to nature is really helpful too. cheers.

Great post! Congratulations.


thank you

My view of Muslim is nothing wrong. Actually their way of teaching is logically true. But we have to be beyond what we are. If we have faith in GOD, we will increase our confidence. Let God to be God. Go well.
nice to meet you.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

thanks you for the comment. :)

See you around.

An excellent post! Thank you!

I think you will really profit from investing some time to learn about the author and teachings of rich dad poor dad. Just google it. It might solve your problem in a very short amount of time and provide you with more freedom, happiness and time for your family.

thank you I will check it out

to me, the easily, the lighter the better. extra stuff is extra grunt. minimalism is what i go for. you see, i took a stock of most of the things that fill my space and discovered that they are things i have been doing without for long. this is an awesome post. thanks for sharing @britleigh

It feels good to let go of those things and it is funny how I never think about them once they are gone.

that is a good mindset. most time it is how we attach to things in our heads that makes it difficult for us to let them go; even when it is clear we do not need them

I own a small business, have a small family, own a small home, own a small car. I am not a minimalist, but I have minimized debt (none other than house), and have therefore minimized the need to work full time. It's a good place to be, however I do still and likely will always have a desire for more. I think reading and immersing ones self in literature that discusses where real value comes from in life is a key exercise in reinforcing truth on the subject.

Thanks for your article OP.

thank you for the comment. Minimalism is different for each person. My father owns many things but he uses all of them and gets rid of everything that is not useful.

As George Carlin once said, "A house is just a pile of stuff with a cover on it. If you didn't have so much stuff, you wouldn't need a house.".

Don't take this the wrong way, but I get the feeling from the first paragraph that your focus on minimalism is a temporary distraction from deeper issues in your life right now.

"Working 6-7 days a week, I don’t get to see family or friends much. Photography has become a job and less of something I enjoy anymore."

Although minimalism is probably a great way to live more consciously, I don't see how it can fix those problems.

Again, I don't want to offend you or want to pretend that I know you better than you know yourself or your life situation. It's just my neutral observation.

All that information about me you quoted is a precursor to how I got depressed. The first thing I decided to do to get out of it was to change what I could and that was my environment. It could have been a distraction but it was the best kind. Cleaning up my house could have been a kind of meditation and distraction so that I could escape my everyday. At the end I was also getting rid of objects that distracted my mind.

I am embracing minimalism at the moment. I am trying to get rid of all the clutter in my house as a first step.

That is great! I highly recommend it!

Great post! I have been decluttering and searching for a more minimalist way of life for some years now, and the point you make on items that brings up negative memories is so important! I used to find those items harder to let go of, until I remembered to ask myself why I think I owe it to somebody else to feel bad about myself. Then I purged the lot.

full ted talk from 2 guys

whatever you don't use at home is just clutter and clutter is dangerous for the brain.