You raise some pertinent points here;
When the dotcom crashed, it was because these tech companies had made this promise of explosive growth... unfortunately, the monetization of the internet was still infant.
Amazon is such an aggressive company that they are even putting places like Walmart that is bad enough out of business, and then they step it up more, through techs like their behaviour monitoring systems that predict with surprising accuracy; what and when someone will buy.
Twitter doesn't have a lot of real "value" besides the value of the servers and the information that can be derived from users
Facebook gets most its value from spying on its users and selling the data to anyone willing to pay. This is not a sustainable business model, especially when people learn the truth about it.
Especially with how corrupt and monopolistic some of these major platforms have become, I almost welcome a new tech bubble burst, free up some space for some newcomers that won't be out to screw people over in the same way.