Why Wealth Starts with Sweat

in #money7 years ago

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Exercise might not seem to have an awful lot to do with money or attaining wealth. But I would argue that guides to clean eating and physical fitness should absolutely be included in the personal finance section of the book store.

Keeping yourself in prime physical condition is the first step toward achieving success – and yet too many of us prescribe to the notion that we don’t have “enough time” to stay fit. That would be news to legions of high achievers, including corporate CEOs and heads of state, who are known to vigilantly carve out time each day to keep themselves in top physical condition. If individuals who are responsible for billions of dollars and millions of employees can prioritize breaking a sweat on a regular basis, can’t you surely identify some fat from your daily schedule that you could be trimming to keep your figure trim?

It is all a question of priorities. Show me your daily calendar and I will tell you what it is that you value. If you make time for browsing television channels or reading multiple news stories on the same chattering news stories – but don’t make time to exercise – it is clear that you are less focused on being successful than you are on being entertained.

I know that it can be tough to fit in an activity that is seen as superfluous or a luxury when you have business associates and loved ones depending on you to be present in their lives. The truth, however, is that exercise is not a nice add-on to your life – if done properly, it will fuel you to achieve success you simply could not imagine otherwise. Here are some general guidelines that can help you to integrate more physical activity into your daily schedule so that you can remain in prime shape to tackle your goals.

  • Remember the outputs.

Your input of daily sweat will be much easier to invest if you can keep in mind what you are gaining. With the number of fad diets and extreme exercise regimens out there to choose from, it is very easy to imagine that you are just participating in a fun (or not so fun!) pastime out of peer pressure to look good at the beach. But there are numerous benefits from exercise that have a direct impact on your career trajectory. Surveys have continually demonstrated that active exercise participants pull in larger incomes. The correlation is the increased energy levels and confidence that come along with maintaining your physical prowess. Consider that the gym may ultimately be one of the best places to network based on the likelihood that most individuals there are likely applying the same drive to succeed in other areas of their lives.

  • Do it where you can.

A gym membership could ultimately turn to be one of the smartest investments you can make. It certainly is a powerful motivator to have a set of individuals you see on a regular basis who also share your fitness goals – they can keep you motivated and on track to slog it out day after day. However, if options for a gym are too pricey for you, there is plenty you can do on your own in your home to stay in shape. There are a number of full body routines you can follow at no cost to yourself to keep your fitness goals in sight. This is a subject near and dear to my heart. I have even written an entire book on this subject you may wish to consult: “Super-Fit Now: 25 High Impact Fat Melting Body-Weight Exercises You Need to Know”.


  • Multitask if it helps you stay on track.

I would argue that you will benefit from the effect of using your recreation time to disconnect from the pressures of work and society at large. It can be increasingly difficult to find some time for quiet reflection given the fast paced nature of modern life, so your workouts present an optimal opportunity to take a step back from the constant whirring in your head.

That said, if you absolutely feel that you cannot justify taking the time out from your day for exercise, consider finding ways to integrate activities you planned to do anyway into your workout. Bill Gates, for example, has been known to spend his time on the treadmill watching history documentaries and exploring his curiosities on subjects that he might otherwise have less time to review. You may want to take a page from his example and use your time exercising to catch up on informative television viewing (substantive news in your field of work, for example) or catching up on podcasts that pertain to your area of expertise.

  • Maintain your diet.

Perhaps even more important than what happens in the gym is what takes place in your kitchen. Eating a balanced meal that is geared toward fruits and vegetables, with minimal processed foods and sugars, will ensure that you are extracting optimum results from your workout. You will also find that you have far more energy that you can channel into those long days and nights you are working.

  • Integrate healthy choices into your day.

You do not have to wait until the workday is over to hit the gym and begin making healthy decisions. Even if most of your days are rather sedentary and confined to an office space, there are many steps that you can take to include more activity and exertion into your normal routine. Consider using a standing or treadmill desk if available – you may even be able to fashion one yourself with a little creativity. Sitting all day at a desk is increasingly becoming referred to as “the new smoking” – aka an activity that is sure to create enormous strain and distress for your body over time.

Therefore any chances you have to shake things up and get out from your chair are terrific. Consider having meetings or phone calls while walking. Use mass transit or bike and walk to work if possible. If it is necessary to drive a car on your commute, you might think about arriving a little earlier and parking a little farther away to give you further reason to cover more ground on foot. Be sure to take breaks throughout the day to get up and move around – you may even want to set up a calendar reminder on the hour that tells you to go get a drink of water or go over to speak to a colleague on a different floor in person. You understand the general point – find any and every opportunity to work a little bit of exertion into your daily life! You will certainly be glad you did in the long run.

In the end, you may find that your newfound zest for exercise helps your career because it gives you one more area of shared interest that you can bond with others over. Taking the time to care for your own physical condition on a daily basis reinforces the message that you believe that your life matters – and that you are taking active steps to prolong it and have the highest quality of life possible. What steps have you taken to fit more physical energy into your day? What kinds of changes have you seen as a result? Have you bought a pedometer or do you use your smartphone to count your daily steps?


it takes mental sweat


@bigsilver I completely agree with you! Staying healthy and fit is like a muscle that you have to flex every day. It is the same way in your finances, if you do not, practice certain things every day then you are on the road to failure. I will say though, with staying healthy and fit; how you eat is over half the battle!!

I agree with you completely! Thank you for your comments.

You can get used to working hard :) and this helps work even harder Workout mix

I agree that music can be an important part of getting a great workout. Great mixes really help me. Thanks for your comments.

Amazing post there mate. Being a programmer and sitting in front of desk, it was difficult to maintain my health. But once I got used to workout sessions, it became my habit. Now I follow 3 day push/pull/leg workout. As you mentioned if you don't have time you can do bodyweight exercises. That's what I do on my remaining days. Health is indeed wealth. :)

kindly check my blog @rahul516. I write fitness stuff. Follow if you like it.
upvoted and followed.

Well played sir. the pic caught my eye. I love me some kettle bells. I almost exclusively work with Kb's after a 20 year dedication to weight lifting/Power building.

check out my blog about my wife and crossfit. you might like it.