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RE: Can Trump Salvage The Sinking US Ship?

in #money8 years ago

Flagged because once again you're reaping large rewards and refusing to engage with the community. Until you start participating I'm going to continue flagging your posts.


I agree bernie.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with both of you and have voted this article up.

I believe that posting a well considered article is sufficient engagement to warrant rewards and that a celebrity reward multiplier is a reasonable expenditure for the platform to attract celebrity of the stature of @dollarvigilante.

To respond to the content of the article, @dollarvigilante is completely justified in his suspicion of Donald Trump's intented actions. There is absolutely no practical way to establish any monetary policy that deviates from a gradual reduction of the present runaway money printing. It's good that Trump has decided to harness the expertise of banking insiders, because, if they are worth the money that taxpayers are paying them, they will explain that abruptly reducing the rate of money printing will most likely have catastrophic effects on the economy.

My prediction is that Trump will delegate monetary policy to those hired to formulate it and that the national debt will continue to explode as a result. From a libertarian perspective of free markets and fiscal responsibility, this outcome is not desirable, but is is likely the least worst option. It is arguably better than wholesale economic collapse that would accompany an abrupt adoption of an otherwise responsible monetary policy.