What's happening in the world?
A lot... Especially when it comes to the global economy...

Not only has there been a plethora of press about the global economy slowing, a recession looming, and "if the entire system collapses, gold will be needed to start over". Just look at the following headlines:
14 October 2019 - Zero Hedge: "Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: 'If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over'"
17 October 2019 - CNBC: "Many Americans say they're not ready for a recession. But here are the steps they're taking"
17 October 2019 - Bloomberg: "The Next Recession's Cure Might Be Worse Than the Disease
18 October 2019 - Reuters: "Global economy slows, recession risk hangs in the balance: Kemp"
And there are many more articles like these coming out daily. Just this past Monday, Zero Hedge reported:
It's not just 'tinfoil blogs' who (for the past 11 years) have been warning that a monetary reset is inevitable and the only viable fallback option once trust and faith in fiat is lost, is a gold standard (something which even Mark Carney hinted at recently): central banks are joining the doom parade now too.
An article published by the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), or Dutch Central Bank, has shocked many with its claim that 'if the system collapses, the gold stock can serve as a basis to build it up again. Gold bolsters confidence in the stability of the central bank's balance sheet and creates a sense of security.'
So, I think the picture is very clear. It's not just the "tinfoil hat" conspiracy theorists throwing this out there, so this should come as a serious warning! I don't need to continue to post articles and quotes from financial experts or government officials. Let's face the music and realize that the dance is about to be abruptly over. So, the question remains, what can you do about it if anything at all? Why yes, yes you can do something about it. Get yourself together and figure out what could be affected if a recession hits. Secondly, get yourself some access to GOLD! Gold is going to be the only thing that will help in a time like this because it has always held its value.

However, gold, of course, is a commodity that can seem to weigh you down or take up a lot of space. On that note, we see where monetary currency is trending, and that is towards crypto or digitalized. On an even better note, there are now cryptocurrencies that are being pegged to gold. Some, like Bitcoin, are not backed by anything and are completely inefficient with their heavy energy consumption with mining. Others are backed by fiat currency, but we know what will happen to fiat if a recession or financial crisis occurs. All I can say is "ouch!"... This is why if you cannot buy large sums of gold, it is best to invest in a cryptocurrency that will be backed by GOLD, such as GODcoin: Gold on Demand. At least investing in something that will be backed by such a valuable asset will alleviate the painful loss of everything.

The choice is yours... You can prepare yourself for the worst while you still have the time, or you can shrug it off and hope your decision doesn't bite you in the... Well, I can guarantee crossing your fingers won't help you much, but at least you know what you can possibly do to help yourself and your family in the near future when economic hardships ensue.

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!

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For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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