So you think that money is the source of all ills and the root of evil? Have you ever thought about what is the source of the money? By themselves, money is only a means of exchange, their existence is impossible outside the production of goods and people who know how to produce.
What about all those that know how to produce and produce goods but their goods don't sell?
Money gives weight and form to the basic principle: people who want to deal with each other, must communicate through exchange, giving in exchange for one value another.
There's about 4 basic principles there.
In the hands of idlers and beggars, tears begging the fruits of your work, or bandits who take them away from you by force, money loses its meaning, cease to be a means of exchange.
What about in the hands of Bankers?
Money became possible thanks to the people who are able to make. Apparently, they, on-your, source of all woes?
Yes, Bankers are the source of all my woes, except things like hangnails, those are my toes.
The moment you accept money as payment for your work, you do so on the condition that you can exchange it for the results of other people's work. The value of money is not filled with beggars or bandits. An entire ocean of tears and all the weapons in the world will not be able to turn the sheets of paper in your wallet into bread that you need to live. But these sheets of paper - a symbol of trust, a symbol of your right to part of the lives of people who know how to produce. Your wallet is a statement that there are people around you in this world who agree with this moral principle because it is at the heart of money. Apparently, in your opinion, is the root of all evil?
Hmmmm, perhaps money itself, if it represented value and not debt, nah, Representing Value is the scam because money is value, or does it represent it? or is it? errrr, who cares about these nuances, everyone that talks about money probably understands the definition of money and the absurdity of the abstraction having value in it of itself.
The man cursed the money, got them dishonestly, people who respect money deserve it.
Unless you're a banker.
I could spend a whole day with this comment though.