Here, an Idea with Charlie Chaplin and you know what they say about those?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

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Charlie Chaplin's call to arms. Its about to be time to take our lives back. The Simpsons have a lot of prophecies or hidden warnings in them hat have come true from 9/11 being on the time magazine in an episode in 1999 to the Ebola virus  being on a box  of Krusty Os. The next thing is America becoming bankrupt during trumps presidency. The banks will crash the dollar and markets just like they did in 2008 and many times before that. Every body' will blame trump and not put the blame where it needs to go. Its time to take our lives back. We don't need credit from banks. Its all made up numbers. Ink on paper that's all our money is worth. Whats in your back account isnt locked in a safe somewhere. Its on a server.  A few keystrokes could make it all disappear or relocate it. Its time we hit ctr+alt+delete and reboot our monetary system and say fuck you to the council of 13 and every other council. We can all speak for ourselves and just like everybody Can see what Donald trump is tweeting all our voices can be heard on matters that concern all of our own lives health and well being we get rid of the corrupt representatives and money we take care of ourselves and each other. if you want to eat you help grow your own food at a community garden or contribute to community services that are needed like doctors garbage collection regular jobs make society function a couple of hours a day, every other day minimum cause not everybody isn't lazy some people love there jobs. You could learn any profession you want teach your self online on your spare time if you so choose. let people  move in to all the foreclosed homes and vacant apartments  you can have one main house somewhere and then when you travel you can stay in hotels for free since every unity has a garden you can get your food by putting in a few hours  helping it out. everybody gets if you want a vacation you just have to tell your boss how long you will be gone. everything could  run just like it is and with no money there's no reason for competition so the need for executives would be obsolete. if you truly make an awesome product and you think it really benefits humanity then why wouldn't you want to give it away Every industry company and service we have because someone had an idea and created it. Every issue that our politicians vote on we could all vote on, if you so choose to vote on it. Then if you have a problem with how the country is you couldn't blame no one but yourself cause you didn't vote. Yes every now and then your going to be on the losing side of the vote its not probable you will  never have a vote on the winning side. lot of the laws that we have are unnecessary the war on drugs can end. if people want to use let them as long as they work a few hours to earn there food it doesn't matter what they do on there free time. Money is useless so there wouldn't be crime from people trying to get high. Every body knows the dangers of drugs if people want to destroy themselves with them who are we to stop them. This is just an idea, . Everybody says money is the root of all evil so why is everyone not focused on how to rid the world of money, the real cause to all the pain and suffering in the world. Why are churches always asking for donations of evil, instead of trying to make it obsolete? Large congregations should be the perfect startups for such a society. They are here own little mini governments led by the pastor. Then again that's why they aren't trying to get rid of it there's just as much greed and corruption as the  regular . Maybe that's how we start with the church of humanitarians and grass rooters. Separation of church and state would keep us protected. This is just an idea Think about it expand it revise it make it your idea. Spread your idea and lets watch it manifest into reality . A world without  the manipulative corrupting powers of money.