Big pharma, Big money, Big problems.

in #money8 years ago

This was a response i wrote for @v4vapid 

 The story was a good read a lot of the medical research foundations are corrupt. Big pharma discovered a long time ago that there was no money in cures. So they hid the truth from the people. Cancer i s another man made medical scare. There are a lot of different cures for cancer that are homeopathic and work better than chemo. The government works with big pharma to make sure they never gain any credibility. Some cures could be done for less than $20 a week theres no money in that. I am a cancer survivor and my mom is a nurse and I can say most Doctors don't care about there patients but more about there pocket books. Every week they have pharma reps come in and give them free stuff to remind them to push there drugs. If the drugs really were the best solutions to the problems then you would have to give away things or pay doctors that prescribe it. The drugs would get prescribed because they were the ones that cure the ailment. During my cancer treatment i was prescribed an insane amount of pain killers , all of them opioid based. When I finished my treatment they stopped my refills after taking them every day for almost a year. I told my doctor I needed help she acted like she didn't know what i was talking about. I explained about the withdraws from the opioid and she prescribed me 30 more pills and said good luck. I managed to ween my self off over a week and a half and 2 days of hell when i cold turkeyed it. I still had 5 pills left when all was said and done. Im in my 20s so my body handled it. Other people might not be so lucky. To be in a weakened state the to have to deal with opium withdraws might be to much for people. Either you switch to heroin like alot of people have done or you go to rehab and get put on synthetic opium which again benefits big pharma. The government also protects the poppy fields in Afghanistan which produces 90% of the opium. Something else i used to travel a lot so i ate fast food every day. Fast food is another tool in there arsenal to keep us sick. Vaccines and vaccinations also serve another purpose. They calcify the pineal gland aka the third eye. They don't want people to wake up and start thinking for themselves.