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RE: 12/20/17. Post Market Wrap Up PLUS! Bond Market In The Rinse Cycle. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

yet again I find myself liking your video in response to your sane and principled approach to reality. i would like to shear a few thoughts of my own.

  • In my view the most under appreciated factor driving the coming correction is the collapse in agricultural production with the past year seeing 30% + losses in wheat,maze,soy,coffee,potatoes,vegetables and fruit basically everything we eat.
    the greatest economic truth across time is that food sets the value of everything
    Everybody wants a free lunch but no one is making lunch!

*Bitcoin. No one is holding bitcoin to conduct commerce and so it is not backed by commerce it is backed by speculation.

*QE is monetizing the dept this will inevitably lead to a repatriation of the inflation and a collapse of the currency. All the dollars will come home when they are no longer needed to buy oil this will come about when the Chinese lunch there oil futures contract market due to go online any day now. This current move in the bond market may be it.

*Dont underestimate how larger a hand chaos has been dealt or how much good can come from this collapse. People win lotto and ruin there lives all the time they also loss everything and end up with a better life.

*The most important of the humane senses is a sense of humor

Now is all about humans vs zombies and the humans are winning in no small part thanks to the efforts of sane intelligent humans like Gregory Mannarino.

Thank You
best of luck in the coming storm