I'm Back - A New Debate (Money Vs Happiness)

in #money7 years ago

Hello Friends,

It's been a while I haven't been able to login in to Steemit. It was due to my new job and busy schedule lately. I really missed this platform alot. After managing my tasks, I am back with a bang!!!

As my first post, I will be sharing a few thoughts about the commonly known concept of happiness and money. People have different concepts about the relationship of happiness and money.

As they normally say;

Money can't buy happiness!

What do you guys think about this statement? Is it true or false?

Many of you who are more of an emotional kind or nature will shake their head in acceptance, while others, who have gone through alot of hardships, will go towards the deniel of this statement.

People realistically believe that moderate levels of both will result in a successful life. As fulfilling needs of life without any hassle will make anyone happy. Therefore, as per this statement we can say:

Money = Happiness

More of money will lead to more of happiness

In today's society, most of us are inclined towards money and that's not surprising at all. Money is the biggest concern of all without which we cannot survive among masses. Therefore, we can that their happiness is money and money is their happiness. They will get Happy if they have money and vice e versa.

On the other hand some people believe that emotions are priceless and money doesn't have that power to buy them and emotions like love, honesty and friendship have no price subscribed they are only offered to the one who deserves. But you know what? Love, friendship band honesty have expiry dates now a days. If you aren't having loaded pockets, you will be loved and followed by none!

While on the third side, there is a group of people who just go with the flow. If they have enough money they would want emotions while if they are blessed with true emotions around they will ignore them and opt for money. They don't really choose between them but just tap of the tab they want for that moment.

After all this, we can only say, the preference of people will depend on their experiences in life.

What are your thoughts on the money versus happiness debate? Can you have both?


always happiness. happiness comes from the atm machine inside of us all, you have to be the one to fill it up thou, then you have an unlimited cash machine of happiness. problem solved! :)