My assumption is the recent surge in price has renewed confidence in Bitcoin to traditional investors. That and the fact it's survived for so long, the first mover and has a high amount of liquidity amongst exchanges does bring an appealing investment opportunity.
So basically the people who view this from the outside see GBTC as a safer entry into the cryptocurrency market as it's slightly more regulated than putting your money on an exchange or working out how to work a wallet, but I could be wrong.
Yeah for sure
Yes you could be wrong, but you might be right? A constant debate over the "true" value of anything is why we even have a market. I'm not sure if I agree or not yet, I 'll have to do some more research. But your opinion has made me want to check out this theory form myself. Thank you for leaving thought provoking comments like this. A great contribution to help all of us who are trying to stay on top of the crypto economy. I have just followed you for more valuable insight. Keep the comments coming @ardy.