@arcaneinfo Reply: Where Does The Money Come From?

in #money9 years ago (edited)

conversation)(in reply to the #bitcoinpizza

Not trying to be all philosophical or what not :) thought is what creates everything and the idea of steem and the support from our thoughts is what turns it into value! The dollar bill thought came and manifested into a physical form, the crypt o currency steem is the same thought and the currency is easier to be used and moved due to it being paperless/without physical form. The more minds that consume this new idea/thought the more value it forms naturally. " Our minds creates this reality how can it not create this currency" J. C aka @arcaninfo. The above comment was my reply from @lukestokes reply post in which I decided to elaborate some more on in a more layman's terms structure:). The dollar bill comes from paper and to this day trees are no longer destroyed to print currency,they actually use wood-pulp. It’s not because the government has instituted an environmentally responsible recycling program, but rather because the paper used for currency is completely different in all ways and is produced solely to lower cost inflation, layman's term again " It cheaper to create". Wood pulp-based paper is designed to be affordable and mass produced. So that being said and out the way to the easy stuff. Best way for me to explain this as such let's say I counterfeit 1 million dollars that looks, feels, smells and taste:) like the actual so called bills. I place them among-st 100 trillion dollars in a large underground cave with fans blowing everywhere mixing it all up and then redistributed all the bills, would anyone ever ever ever find them? I know not! Or put 1 counterfeit bill with you in this machine with 1000s of other real pic out the fake:)

So on the flip side in the crypt o currency world (Coins) are created the same way except it's not labeled counterfeit its just accepted as creation like it should be. We are all creations of the creator which is us! Everything we create we can increase or decrease the value by simply re-creating. So steemit community the power is in our minds how creative can we get how far do we want to go with STEEM?!


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Cheers! (in reply to the #bitcoinpizza conversation)