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RE: Get Ready for a World Currency

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Just a follow up to note that I am aware that my attitude and communication strategy might still need some adjustment.

I wrote in private:

I think it is probably true that I am bragging. If you have time to point out any of the places where I am acting condescending or authoritarian/judgmental, I want to think about what is driving it by reviewing the instances.

I am lacking time to re-read it. But if you are also lacking time I understand.

I do appreciate your feedback on that and I do not take it negatively.

I feel like my head is in a washing machine spinning around and around. I am pushing so hard and I do not get much time to relax and reflect so as to have the clarity of mind I need. I am pretty much a pinball in a pinball machine, always bouncing to the next task. For example, I still have to fight off low energy (feeling exhausted) and brain fog after I eat ostensibly due to the liver damage (which is hopefully regenerating). This causes a bad feeling that makes one in not so great mood. Other times I feel charged and then I swing to overly aggressive mood and try to maximize output. I am having to deal with an endocrine health (the liver, vitamin D3, etc) that is volatile, and I try to keep myself leveled by adjusting to the rollercoaster. The rollercoaster effect is not as bad as it was and seems to be improving every week.

It is stressful to be in a position of being leader and writing about matters which can cause so much conflict. If I only write very little, I could try to be so careful about how I convey my thoughts so as to not offend anyone. But to do that and also convey all those detailed points, I mean I do not have enough time (and energy) to accomplish that.

Probably any aspects that are coming across as bragging is probably my memory of my frustration with being banned on BCT and for example trolls accusing me of being spanked by @gmaxwell. I make a few comments here and there pointing out that I have some knowledge in this area.

Edit: I suppose the following is bragging:

If the earth shattering gravity of this blog is not impressed upon you the reader…

What I am really trying to do there is challenge readers to dig into the links if at first my summary did not register as any significant information.


Absolutely fantastic article, thank you!I have gone through it again and again.

Thanks for sharing this post and introducing these broad concepts to new readers. SDR system not to be implemented worldwide because IMF is way too corrupt is really not an impediment as been seen with other institutions.

I agree the corruptness of the IMF is not necessarily an impediment. Perhaps they might end up overhauling it replacing the IMF with some BIS or World Bank oversight, thus trying to convince us that the corruption has been fixed. 😏